U. Mississippi Prof Running for Congress as a Democratic Socialist

Just what America needs. Socialist professors in Congress. Does she even stand a chance in Mississippi?

Campus Reform reports:

Socialist professor announces run for Congress…in MississippiA University of Mississippi law professor has announced that she is running for the U.S. House of Representatives as a democratic socialist.Antonia Eliason has been a faculty member at Ole Miss since 2013, teaching a variety of topics, including international trade law, international investment law, contracts, and EU law. Prior to coming to Ole Miss, Eliason worked in London, Hong Kong, and Luxembourg, doing things such as interning in the legal affairs division of the World Trade Organization and working with U.S. corporate finance groups.Now, Eliason is turning her focus toward running for Congress by challenging incumbent Republican Congressman Trent Kelly.The profesor announced her run for Congress via Twitter on January 13.”I’m Antonia Eliason. Today, we’re launching the very first congressional Democratic Socialist campaign in Mississippi. We are 100% people powered and refuse all corporate money. Join us in fighting for a new leaf for Mississippi,” Eliason tweeted.The following day, she took to Twitter again to thank her followers for donating nearly $7,000 in two days.Eliason’s campaign website is not up and running as of yet, however, some of her stances can also be found on Twitter. Eliason stated that she is fighting for Medicare for All, decriminalization and legalization of marijuana, the exoneration of those incarcerated for marijuana-related charges, as well as a Green New Deal, as proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

Tags: College Insurrection, Democratic Socialism, Mississippi