Trump tweets support for Iranian protesters – in Persian
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Trump tweets support for Iranian protesters – in Persian

Trump tweets support for Iranian protesters – in Persian

Contrast this with 2009, when Obama remained silent during the brutal suppression of the Green Revolution

Protests have broken out across Iran over the downing of the Ukrainian passenger airplane by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. — which tried for days to cover it up.

The protests are a continuation of the protests last fall, which were crushed by the IRGC under leadership of the late Qassem Soleimani, with an estimated 1500 killed and thousands more arrested.

Trump just weaponized one of his greatest weapons, his Twitter account, tweeting in Persian:

To the brave, long-suffering people of Iran: I’ve stood with you since the beginning of my Presidency, and my Administration will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely, and are inspired by your courage.

Contrast this with 2009, when Obama remained silent during the brutal suppression of the Green Revolution, He Who Cannot Stop Talking, Is Silent On Iran.

[Featured Image via Twitter Video]


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Grrr8 American | January 11, 2020 at 5:16 pm

MIGA – Make Iran Great Again!

Trump showing Obama what a real President looks like.

Protest from the fake news conglomerate coming in 3, 2, 1 ….

BierceAmbrose | January 11, 2020 at 6:06 pm

Of course the President Obama and his administration didn’t support the Iranians, or any of the rest of the “Green Revolution” — those revolting being peasants, that would have been populist of him.

legacyrepublican | January 11, 2020 at 6:08 pm

Trump tweeted the proverbial Persian rug right out from their defeat.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | January 11, 2020 at 6:29 pm

Anyone see anything more about this?

U.K. Ambassador in Tehran was arrested for filming the protests.

“I beg your pardon, I never promised you a Persian rose garden.”

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | January 11, 2020 at 6:33 pm

Look who is aiding and abetting – giving support – to the Iranian dictatorship.

Warren, Sanders Did Participate In That Joint Conference Call With Iranian Lobby Group Linked to Tehran

Update to this story. Should be automatically disqualifying if you’re bashing our position on the phone with Iranian-lobbying group the day after we’re attacked.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | January 11, 2020 at 6:42 pm

Meanwhile back at the france – where thousands of wannabe Iranian dictators incubate…….

France, The “Budding Islamic Republic”

Almost as courageous as our Anti-fa protestors, who risk their lives protesting the brutal Trump regime.

Comanche Voter | January 11, 2020 at 7:15 pm

Boy Donald knows how to stir the pot doesn’t he? I’m not certain that this is a good thing—it’s going to get a lot of Iranian protestors killed. But it’s also going to give the mullahs a headache. And for that Donny gets two scoops.

Obama gave the mullahs pallets of cash–but not a headache.

Trump’s Tweet historic:

“his tweet by @realDonaldTrump with more than 100k likes is already the most liked Persian tweet in the history of Twitter. A strong show of support by Iranians for Trump’s Iran policy, something the MSM does not and will not report.”

You know what’s not happening? Fire is not falling on Israel.

For the moment, there is no one to coordinate terror attacks.

Fluffy Foo Foo | January 12, 2020 at 10:06 am

Trump is going to force Glenn Greenwald to praise him after the Mullhah regime collapses and gays stop getting executed in Iran.

Right now Glenn is retweeting tweets about Trump not really caring about the Iranian people because he halted immigration and travel from Iran. Lol.