Trump: If Iran attacks, we will hit 52 Iranian sites “representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago”
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Trump: If Iran attacks, we will hit 52 Iranian sites “representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago”

Trump: If Iran attacks, we will hit 52 Iranian sites “representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago”

“Let this serve as a WARNING”

Iran has threatened serious retaliation for the U.S. killing of Iranian terror mastermind Qassem Soleimani.

Trump just tweeted an interesting message, referencing the U.S. diplomats taken hostage by Iran in 1979:

Iran is talking very boldly about targeting certain USA assets as revenge for our ridding the world of their terrorist leader who had just killed an American, & badly wounded many others, not to mention all of the people he had killed over his lifetime, including recently….

….hundreds of Iranian protesters. He was already attacking our Embassy, and preparing for additional hits in other locations. Iran has been nothing but problems for many years. Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have…..

….targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!

Invoking the hostages is very psychologically significant. Iran always portrays itself as the victim of the U.S., and that is a line bought into by the western left.

Trump is saying that we were victimized by Iran as well, and we will take revenge for each of those 52 hostages.

Iran must do something, but Trump is telling them that there will be at least 52 prices to pay.

What form Iran’s retaliation takes may determine whether my 2020 prediction comes true:

“6. There will be war in the Middle East between Iran/Hezbollah and Israel/U.S./Saudi Arabia. Tel Aviv will take 300-500 direct missile hits. Beirut and Damascus will be flattened. Tehran will be without water or electricity for months, and Iran’s oil refining capacity will be obliterated. The Mullahs will be overthrown in a popular uprising.”


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A bullet his the best way to alter the mind of an Iranian leader. Decisive and deadly action against these heathen troglodytes is long overdue.

Nailed it prof.

This could be an interesting week.

Impeachment…what impeachment?

Is Trump reminding the world how this started? With Jimmah’s cowardice? I can’t wait to hear Jimmah’s response. All contrasts between Trump and previous presidents work for Trump.

    George Bush has been quiet on this. Then again, he becamse great friends of the obamas.

    If that isn’t a conflict, what is?

    Milhouse in reply to Pasadena Phil. | January 4, 2020 at 11:15 pm

    The opposition’s line is that it didn’t start with the hostages, it started with the mythical CIA coup against Mossadegh.

    They conveniently ignore the facts that it was Mossadegh who had just carried out a coup against the Shah, and that the Shah returned by popular acclamation. The CIA’s only role seems to have been to help the Shah’s propaganda campaign to convince the people that they wanted him back.

      Sanddog in reply to Milhouse. | January 5, 2020 at 3:32 am

      Both the CIA and MI6 helped with the propaganda campaign against Mosaddegh after he nationalized AIOC. It wasn’t only about the expropriation of what would become British Petroleum, it was also about keeping a weak leader from being subject to the Soviet Union’s plans to seize and retain the northern portion of Iran to get their coveted warm water port in the Persian Gulf.

      Milhouse: They conveniently ignore the facts that it was Mossadegh who had just carried out a coup against the Shah

      While the monarch’s powers were curtailed, he was not deposed until the 1979 revolution.

      Milhouse: The CIA’s only role seems to have been to help the Shah’s propaganda campaign to convince the people that they wanted him back.

      In 1953, CIA bribed officials, planted spies, and pressured the Shah to remove Mosaddegh, telling the Shah that the CIA would proceed with the coup with or without his help. After the coup, Mosaddegh supporters were imprisoned, tortured, and killed.

      That there might be CIA agents in the U.S. embassy in 1973 attempting to meddle in the internal affairs of Iran was an idea based on historical experience, not just in Iran, but in many other countries around the world.

Dems are defending iran, what a farce. Trump should make them all ambassadors to iran and ship them over to parlay.
And while shipping them over bring home all the troops including the embassy marines.

The total collapse of Hussein Obama’s foreign policy of appeasement… Pro Tip: don’t give billions to Muslim terrorists, and do not welcome them into the Oval Office

    It was NEVER about ‘appeasement.’

    It has always been about MONEY – OUR money, via foreign aid, and pallets of cash being shipped to terorist nations. And pelosi, biden, obama, kerry, clinton and the like have been raking it in.

ESPN has their “30 for 30″… “52 for 52” sounds… media friendly, if not not Mullah-Friendly

Don’t mess with PDJT. Hear that, pelosi you idiot?

THIS is how sinister and treasonous the left is in our government:

Democrat Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin has admitted being part of a network that kept Al Quds force leader Qassem Soleimani alive:

The swamp/left/islamic axis within the US is far more deadly to our lives and our freedoms as any foreign despot.

    As long as the death toll was low there was no desire to eliminate him…. hum. The swamp advised Reagan to not tell Gorby to “tear down this wall”. They embrace slow death to prevent the risk of victory.

      Bob, as we’re learning, it’s not ‘slow death’ they embrace (at least not theirs): it’s cash – BILLIONS of it.

      Selling out country out has been extremely profitable for the likes of obama, pelosi, biden, kerry, clinton, romeny and the like. EXTREMELY profitable.

Just before collapse, an enemy is most desperate. A suicidal belief system makes the whole Iranian government kamikaze. Anything and everything is on the table. At least we have a President who doesn’t wish to feel “empathy” for these killers.

You cannot kill Satan. Islam is Satan’s church of the world. At best, it may be possible to interrupt Iran’s infrastructure to the extent of disabling the current inventory of weaponry and means of production.

Body counts will not work, even if John Kerry knows what he saw.

A well sponsored civil war would deter some of Iran’s external plans. Nothing that 20,000 rifles and adequate ammo, directed into the hands of the general population, can’t settle.

If you want something done right, you often have to do it yourself. Empower the suppressed citizenry of Iran and let them git’r’dun.

    “A well sponsored civil war would deter some of Iran’s external plans. Nothing that 20,000 rifles and adequate ammo, directed into the hands of the general population, can’t settle….”

    And that popoulation is ‘rarin’ to go. Maybe that’s what PDJT has in mind.

    You’re speaking my language.

    As President my foreign policy will consist of one thing only, manufacture and distribution of weapons and ammunition to the oppressed people of the world.

    NotKennedy: You cannot kill Satan. Islam is Satan’s church of the world.

    Nothing like comparing Islam to Satanism to advance a discussion.

    NotKennedy: Empower the suppressed citizenry of Iran and let them git’r’dun.

    So you want to give weapons to Satanists.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to Zachriel. | January 5, 2020 at 4:52 pm

      “Nothing like comparing Islam to Satanism to advance a discussion.”

      Muhammad was a brutal warlord who created a brutal religion to cement his power. It is not, and never was, a religion of peace.

      Personally, I do not think it should be considered a religion, it is more like a cult.

        JusticeDelivered: Muhammad was a brutal warlord who created a brutal religion to cement his power. It is not, and never was, a religion of peace.

        Personally, I do not think it should be considered a religion, it is more like a cult.

        And Martin Luther was a virulent antisemite, who justified brutal treatment of Jews. Perhaps you don’t think it should be considered a religion, but more like a cult.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to NotKennedy. | January 5, 2020 at 12:11 pm

    making me again suggest destroying their Hydroelectric and reservoir infrastructure, followed by taking out conventional power plants and high tension power distribution.

    I am not especially concerned about the Iranian people, in that they have been brainwashed for decades, it will be a very long time before they can be trusted.

      JusticeDelivered: making me again suggest destroying their Hydroelectric and reservoir infrastructure, followed by taking out conventional power plants and high tension power distribution.

      Now you know why so many countries want a nuclear deterrent.

        JusticeDelivered in reply to Zachriel. | January 5, 2020 at 4:43 pm

        Well, I am suggesting that we reign them in without nukes, but if necessary they can be deterred with them.

          JusticeDelivered: Well, I am suggesting that we reign them in without nukes, but if necessary they can be deterred with them.

          Short of invasion and occupation, there’s no way to stop Iran from developing their own nuclear deterrent, if they choose to do so.

          The U.S. has been in Afghanistan for nearly two decades, and still doesn’t have control of half the country. The U.S. is still fighting in Iraq, and has made so many friends that the Iraqi government has asked the U.S. to get out. An invasion and occupation of Iran would be much more difficult.

        JusticeDelivered in reply to Zachriel. | January 5, 2020 at 4:39 pm

        Iran cheated on every agreement. Finally we have a president who is not taking their crap.

          JusticeDelivered: Iran cheated on every agreement.

          Iran had been in compliance with the nuclear deal. It has now pulled out of the deal, though is still allowing IAEA inspections at this point.

        Barry in reply to Zachriel. | January 6, 2020 at 12:53 am

        Comrade Zach, like all communists, love the terrorists when they are killing anything resembling freedom.

        Comrade Zach supports the Iranian terrorists as they attack innocent people throughout the world.

        Comrade Zach is a communist, and communists murdered over 100 million people in the last 100 years.

        Every letter in his comments are designed by a corrupt cabal of communists to destroy freedom.

I surely hope that the 52 targets include the electrical power plants that supply Tehran and Mashhad.

The Iranian citizenry needs to understand that all the rhetoric coming from their leaders is nothing more than bluster. When there’s no water, when the food spoils, and when there’s no juice to recharge their mobile devices, these people will figure out that … THEY GOT NUTHIN’.

    Right now, the Iranian government is very unpopular among the citizenry. What we just did weakened the government in the eyes of their increasingly restless population. Instead of delivering $150 billion in cash on a runway to empower a corrupt evil government, we have systematically weakened them with the trade sanctions which is making them increasingly vulnerable to additional sanctions and tactical military actions.

    The ideal ending for this would be for the Iranian citizens to topple the current regime themselves. Were we to completely destroy the country’s ability to recover under the new government, why would they be open to a US relationship? We don’t need another Iraq.

    The power structure has been dealt a series of debilitating blows with Trump warning of more to come if they don’t change course. We could tighten the sanctions even more by shutting down all of the EU and China cheating and strangling their main source of income: oil.

    We may not need OPEC oil anymore but we are still facing a very hostile China and Russia. It’s really up to the Europeans to decide whether they want to be a Chinese/Russian satellite state (colony) depending on Russian oil and the China market or return to the free world by allowing Iran to challenge Russian energy supremacy in Europe.

    Blowing everything up would be stupid. But wrapping a “52 targets for 52 hostages” narrative to collar the regime sets up a scenario for ratcheting up the pressure while strangling their ability to retaliate. What those targets are isn’t as important than the ability to accelerate or slow down the “clock” on the way to the 52nd target.

    I expect that we will be hearing less and less “Death to the Great Satan” as the clock ticks away.

Comanche Voter | January 4, 2020 at 10:05 pm

Little Jenny (that’s the size of her brain and general level of intelligence) Rubin–the Washington Post’s “conservative columnist” said early this week that the attack on the Baghdad Embassy was Donald Trump’s “Jimmy Carter” moment. Well Jimmuh wimped out.

Two days later Jenny Rubin is in the Ron Ziegler [Nixon’s press secretary] mode. “Er, that previous statement was inoperative”.

Let Iran take a whack; Trump will take Obama’s advice and “whack back twice as hard”.

Should be military targets in the first round.

    Barry in reply to Petrushka. | January 4, 2020 at 11:21 pm

    Only one round needed –
    Command and control, electric generation, refineries, hydro/water.

    All done in one day. Boots are already on the ground. They are Iranian boots. Let them do the job after round one.

      Dusty Pitts in reply to Barry. | January 5, 2020 at 12:01 am

      No “nation-building” though. Let them rebuild heir own dang country, and if the rebuilt Iran gives us trouble too, we knock it down again. And if necessary, again.

      “We can do this all day.”

      Even a single-celled organism can learn how to avoid pain. So can humans.

      MajorWood in reply to Barry. | January 5, 2020 at 4:57 pm

      No country is more than 3 missed meals away from a revolution.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Petrushka. | January 5, 2020 at 12:19 pm

    No, should be power grid, thereby stopping those centrifuges.

And tens of millions more Muslims will find their way to Europe

Really can’t win either way

We will have to leave them with the means to survive or they will go north and Europe will never survive

targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture

Targeting cultural sites is a war crime.

    #iranianculturalsites: “Targeting Cultural sites is a war crime, noting that when ISIS destroyed Palmyra the world was rightly upset, and yet here we are.”

    Barry in reply to Zachriel. | January 6, 2020 at 1:01 am

    Bullshit you terrorist murderer.

    The terrorist always hide in their “cultural” sites, stockpile their weapons there, etc. Well, except when they’re hiding behind women and children.

    This make those sites and any suspect fair game.

Targeting cultural sites is a war crime.

put the bong down zac and grow up

” you want to threaten what’s important to us? very well.
what’s important to you will be at risk as well. “

    texansamurai: ” you want to threaten what’s important to us? very well. what’s important to you will be at risk as well. “

    So you’re okay with war crimes.

    Trump: “When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families.”

      JusticeDelivered in reply to Zachriel. | January 5, 2020 at 12:21 pm

      taking out families of terrorists is a smart move, and the reason is that those families cultivate more terrorists.

        JusticeDelivered: taking out families of terrorists is a smart move, and the reason is that those families cultivate more terrorists.

        Notably, by the lack of pushback by so-called conservatives, purposefully targeting innocent people passes for acceptable discourse on this forum.

          JusticeDelivered in reply to Zachriel. | January 5, 2020 at 4:10 pm

          What makes you think that a family that has already produced two terrorists is innocent? In fact, we have seen many families collectively approve of terrorism.

          Barry in reply to Zachriel. | January 6, 2020 at 1:04 am

          You, a commie murderer of 100 million try to judge others?

          The terrorists you support always hide behind their own children, and that means they take fire just like the terrorist themselves. That’s their fault, and yours, the terror supporter.

          JusticeDelivered: What makes you think that a family that has already produced two terrorists is innocent?

          Notably, by the lack of pushback by so-called conservatives, purposefully targeting the families of criminals passes for acceptable discourse on this forum.

I find it humorous to watch the prog drones clutching their pearls. War crimes, oh my!

They all cheered when Jugears The Great droned people over 2,800 times. Including the time he assassinated a US CITIZEN with zero due process. The progs have no credibility left, they should really just sit down and shut up.

    Paul: They all cheered when {Obama} droned people over 2,800 times.

    If the U.S. was targeting enemy combatants, then it wouldn’t normally be considered a war crime.

      Paul in reply to Zachriel. | January 5, 2020 at 1:52 pm

      Correct. And as the head of a designated international terror organization who had just orchestrated an attack against US territory, Soleimani was a legitimate target as well. The guy had been targeting US interests with terrorist attacks for three decades. To argue that he wasn’t an imminent threat to do it again would be highly moronic.

        JusticeDelivered in reply to Paul. | January 5, 2020 at 4:36 pm

        He should have been put down decades ago, better late than never.

        Paul: Soleimani was a legitimate target as well.

        Perhaps, though expanding the theater of acceptable targets should be accompanied by congressional consultation, though congress often avoids its own responsibility.

        In any case, that doesn’t make the action wise.

I am growing to appreciate Lawrence of Arabia more and more.

A grown-up addition of 52 card pickup.

Soleimani was in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi Prime Minister in an attempt to deescalate tensions, and was killed on Iraqi soil. Iraqi Prime Minister was scheduled to meet Soleimani the morning he was killed | January 6, 2020 at 9:02 am

I pray that there will not be a war – the entire Middle East is not worth a single American life. We must, however, protect our soldiers, our citizens, and our property, and we cannot abandon Israel. The time for appeasing Iran is clearly at an end.

I don’t see a clear path forward. We don’t have any good choices. If we destroy their infrastructure, then either we pay to rebuild it or let someone else ingratiate themselves when they do it. We do need to do something about their Nuclear (weapons) Reactor, as the crazed Persians will eventually use it to make nuclear weapons, if they already haven’t. But what is the answer? Andrew Codvilla doesn’t seem to have any advice either:

Even an “Iron Dome” solution would create an EMP that would affect the US.

What I do understand is, sooner or later, you always have to confront a bully, and at that time, irrevocable force must be used to obliterate his wont to pick on others. And that usually implies the highest forms of devastation on an enemy.

The cultural site Trump refers to is the mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the current Iranian regime. Talk about rattling their cage!