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Syracuse University Convening Special Committee to Assess Diversity and Inclusion on Campus

Syracuse University Convening Special Committee to Assess Diversity and Inclusion on Campus

“the committee is dedicated to ensuring students feel safe at the university”

The school is doing this in response to a number of questionable incidents which occurred on campus last fall.

The Daily Orange reports:

Special committee to begin campus climate review

The Board of Trustees special committee tasked with jointly assessing diversity, inclusion and campus climate at Syracuse University has met and begun planning its review.

The Board of Trustees Special Committee on University Climate, Diversity and Inclusion formed in December to review and provide recommendations on SU’s current diversity and inclusion policies and programs. The committee, which will consider recommendations from an independent panel, expects to present a report to the board by the end of June, said Jeffrey Scruggs, co-chair of the committee.

“This is not a committee that we want to have drag on for a year, two years, and have the community wondering about whether we are actually going to take action,” Scruggs said.

The committee was formed in response to at least 20 racist, anti-Semitic and bias-related incidents that occurred at or near SU since early November, Scruggs said. Though the incidents inform the committee’s work, the report is not an investigation or criticism of any past actions, he said.

SU has gone through a painful process, and the committee is dedicated to ensuring students feel safe at the university, said Richard Alexander, committee co-chair and graduate of the Class of 1982. The board not only wants SU to be a welcoming place for all students and talents, it wants the university to lead in this area, he said.


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Part of me gets the vibe that this committee is like the group of priests on South Park who formed a committee to solve child sexual abuse, and their strategy was to figure out a way to get the kids to stop reporting it.

Can anyone think of a case where these committees didn’t act completely opposite of the reason they were formed?

They didn’t bother meeting with white students because SU doesn’t accept them anymore.