Pelosi Picks Schiff, Nadler, and Five Others as Impeachment Managers During Senate Trial

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi named seven representatives to serve as impeachment managers during the Senate trial.

She chose:

The House should vote to send the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump and approve the managers later today.

What’s the role of the managers? USA Today explained:

Congressional rules specify that managers, members of the House whose roles are similar to prosecutors, are tasked with presenting the case for impeachment to the Senate. The trial will determine whether Trump should be convicted and removed from office. Removal requires a two-thirds majority vote, or 67 votes.

Speakers usually choose people who have a law background. Managers usually serve on the House Judiciary Committee.

Pelosi picked members of this committee except for Crow. He sits on the Armed Servies Committee and the Small Business Committee:

The managers have varied biographies: Schiff was a federal prosecutor; Demings was a police chief; several are attorneys, and Lofgren was a staffer on the House Judiciary Committee during the Nixon impeachment and a House member during the Clinton impeachment.”This is about the Constitution of the United States and it’s important for the president to know and Putin to know that American voters — voters in America — should decide who our president is,” Pelosi said at a press conference with the managers.

Pelosi also demanded Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell call witnesses during the trial:

“There can be no full & fair trial in the Senate if Leader McConnell blocks the Senate from hearing witnesses and obtaining documents President Trump is covering up,” Pelosi said in one tweet.“The President has fought tooth-and-nail to keep thousands of documents away from the public,” the speaker said in another tweet. “And no wonder — each time new pieces come out, they show President Trump right at the center of the effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rivals.”

Democrats want former National Security Adviser John Bolton and acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to testify. Bolton already said he will testify if he receives a subpoena.

Republicans want Hunter Biden to testify.

Trump will choose his team to defend him in the trial. People expect him to pick White House counsel Pat Cipollone to lead the team and his personal lawyer Jay Sekulow.

Tags: Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Trump Impeachment