Little Known Silicon Valley Group ‘Mind the Gap’ Spending Millions to Boost Democrats in 2020

Democrats are fond of claiming that they want big money and so-called ‘dark’ money taken out of politics. Yet a Silicon Valley-based group is quietly pumping over a hundred million dollars into efforts to help Democrats in 2020, mostly through voter registration.

Funny, it doesn’t sound like anyone on the left is complaining about this.

Theodore Schleifer reports at Recode:

How Silicon Valley’s secretive donor group plans to beat TrumpMind the Gap, the secretive group quietly reshaping big-money politics in Silicon Valley, is aiming to spend as much as $140 million to boost Democrats in the 2020 election, Recode has learned.If realized, a haul of that size would cement the group, little known until Recode reported on it this week, as one of the most powerful forces in Democratic politics. And the group is accomplishing this all behind the scenes — without any prior public scrutiny.This network of Silicon Valley donors raised $20 million for Democratic causes and congressional candidates in advance of the midterms. But the group has far greater ambitions in a presidential cycle: Mind the Gap told prospective donors last fall that it had already raised at least $35 million in political contributions for voter registration efforts, which is part of a fundraising goal that could stretch to $100 million, according to a memo obtained by Recode.Mind the Gap is also seeking another estimated $30 million for get-out-the-vote work along with another estimated $10 million for “orphan races” — which means primarily funding candidates for state legislatures that the group sees as wrongly under-funded.

Schleifer outlined some highlights about this on his Twitter feed:

The left will do anything to defeat Trump in 2020. Even if his polls look good, people who support the president can take nothing for granted.

You can read the group’s memo to prospective donors below:

Mind the Gap’s memo to … by Teddy Schleifer on Scribd

Tags: 2020 Election, Democrats, Progressives