UPDATE: Okay folks, we’re close to capacity (you can still sign up). But I wanted to alert you to a BIG development.
Kemberlee will be joining us at the reception, her first travel since Baby Walt was born. Walt won’t be there, he’s too *busy* at home with his big sisters, but he’ll be there in spirit.
So we have four Legal Insurrection authors attending: Me, Kemberlee, Leslie and Samantha.
I’ll be in the Los Angeles area for two speaking engagements the weekend of February 9. Unfortunately, those events are not open to the public, but we’re not going to miss the opportunity to make the most of our trip to the Left Coast.
We are having a Reader Reception in Los Angeles on Sunday, February 9, at 7 p.m.
Space is extremely limited, so sign up here before you get shut out. No walk-ins permitted.
The event is at The Milky Way, a Kosher restaurant.
There is no charge. Food will be served, but we’re not going to booze you up on our dime. There will be a cash bar.
I’ll be there, as will Leslie Eastman, our resident reporter on California craziness, and Samantha Mandeles, Legal Insurrection Foundation‘s Senior Researcher and Outreach Director.
*Maybe* we’ll have a few things to say and put on a little program.
And remember, I’m very shy and somewhat withdrawn, so the burden of carrying on the conversation will be on you.