Legal Insurrection Reader Reception — Los Angeles, February 9 (UPDATE)
*Maybe* we’ll have a few things to say and put on a little program.

UPDATE: Okay folks, we’re close to capacity (you can still sign up). But I wanted to alert you to a BIG development.
Kemberlee will be joining us at the reception, her first travel since Baby Walt was born. Walt won’t be there, he’s too *busy* at home with his big sisters, but he’ll be there in spirit.
So we have four Legal Insurrection authors attending: Me, Kemberlee, Leslie and Samantha.
I’ll be in the Los Angeles area for two speaking engagements the weekend of February 9. Unfortunately, those events are not open to the public, but we’re not going to miss the opportunity to make the most of our trip to the Left Coast.
We are having a Reader Reception in Los Angeles on Sunday, February 9, at 7 p.m.
Space is extremely limited, so sign up here before you get shut out. No walk-ins permitted.
The event is at The Milky Way, a Kosher restaurant.
There is no charge. Food will be served, but we’re not going to booze you up on our dime. There will be a cash bar.
I’ll be there, as will Leslie Eastman, our resident reporter on California craziness, and Samantha Mandeles, Legal Insurrection Foundation‘s Senior Researcher and Outreach Director.
*Maybe* we’ll have a few things to say and put on a little program.
And remember, I’m very shy and somewhat withdrawn, so the burden of carrying on the conversation will be on you.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Its LA, so bring your own BSI.
How close is Los Angeles to northern Indiana?
Roughly 2108 miles from Elkhart and 2174 from Atlanta, if you believe google maps.
We visited LA about two months ago, and managed to get around the city using the bus system. The bus driver took the time to point us towards the pacific ocean, so we could find the Santa Monica Pier. Nice guy. The pier, and the neighboring park were lovely, if you ignored the people shooting up, and sleeping on the grass. BTW the end of route 66 is there, right on the pier.
Have a great time all you lucky people that can attend.
That’s a long walk.
Be careful there and enroute. It is a hostile foreign country and anything you say will be deemed Thoughtcrime.
Subotai Bahadur
I’ll see you there!
we don’t even have to get on a freeway to get there… just up over the hill, hang a left, and look for parking. LA Next Door, practically.
i just registered Rrsident 3vil and i for the event. w*rk night for her, but i figure we’ll get there early and at least say “high!”, #Failifornia style, even if we can’t stay to the end.
looking forward to it.
BTW: if you’re attending, and want to pick me out of the crowd, look for someone who looks remarkably similar to my avatar, minus the shotgun, of course.
that will make avoiding me that much easier for you…
did anyone invite Kurt Schlicter and his lovely wife?
Signed up! See everybody there!
*Maybe* we’ll have a few things to say and put on a little program.
A little program? Like you and Leslie doing a song and dance routine?
I can’t be there, but I wanna see the video!
Food will be served, but we’re not going to booze you up on our dime. There will be a cash bar.
I don’t want to sound like I’m grousing, but the bottled water at Sharon was nothing to get excited about.
Just sayin’.
Good thing it’s on a Sunday otherwise traffic from Pasadena would be a horror show. That area of LA is impossible when it comes to traffic. It was horrible 30 years ago when I had an office in Brentwood and it has gotten much worse since.
I’m trusting you to refrain from they usual incendiary speeches. I don’t want to get arrested for flipping cars and smashing storefront windows this time. You know how crazy it gets out here.
Phil – How ong do you think it will take to get there from Pasadena? I’m coming from South Pasadena.
I haven’t been out there in many years but when I worked in Brentwood 30 years ago, it would take me 25 minutes on an empty 10 highway leaving at 5am just to get to the Bundy exit. If I left an hour later, it could take me 1/12 to 2 hours. It’s gotten much worse since then especially with the “road diet” politicians. Navigating the Wilshire area is a nightmare.
I haven’t mapped it out yet but going into LA for 7pm on Sunday at that restaurant and assuming that the traffic into LA should be light (I hope), I’m planning about 1 1/2 hours to be safe. You could probably shave off 10-15 minutes from South Pasadena.
Thanks, Phil. I had tentatively planned 1-1/2 hours as well.
you two might consider 134-101, then over the hill on either Laurel Canyon or Coldwater Canyon… that should be much easier than 110-10 or 110-101, than either north or west on surface streets.
hey there’s some malware in the ads again. Main page is getting jacked.
The Academy Awards are on Sunday evening.
If only you had an event on Friday or Saturday!
the restaurant is far enough away from where the Oscars are as to be unaffected by traffic from them…
unless you decide to drive past the one to get to the other.
What?!? Not Canter’s?!?
I lived in Los Angeles so long ago my area code was 213 and my phone number started with WEbster instead of 93.
“*Maybe* we’ll have a few things to say and put on a little program.
Somebody hide the Festivus pole. I suspect we might be in for a belated airing of grievances which a demonstration of what will happen to us commentors if we don’t straighten out. Maybe not.
Male sure to have your vaccinations updated, and come with navy boots!
let us know when in central Maine….yeah holding my breath LOL
I love Maine, and I actually have a town picked out (Rumford) for a potential new home once my son is settled at the US Air Force Academy (hopefully). So, it could happen. It might just be me at a local bar…but still!!!
LOL still about 130-145 miles away ny road. Maines bigger than many people realize.
almost closer to Vermont than Bangor area, and politically a LOT closer to NH/Vermont as you would be in the “other” Maine thats been creeping northwards for some time.
If it’s any comfort, they’ll probably get there before they get anywhere close to me!