Lack of Self-Awareness Award Winner: Elizabeth Warren Wants to Criminalize Spreading Misinformation Online

Another day, another desperate ploy by Elizabeth Warren as she continues to drop in polling in early Democrat primary states and nationwide. It would seem that she sees her nosediving poll and donation numbers as a sign that her bazillion plans to upend every segment of our economy and society don’t go far enough.

Her latest plan is to hold big tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google responsible for the spread of misinformation intended to suppress, among other things, voter turnout.  Considering that suppressing voter turnout is a pretty common tactic used by Democrats (and Republicans), this is a pretty interesting move.

NBC News reports:

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday released a plan to fight disinformation and to hold tech companies accountable for their actions in light of the 2016 election.”Disinformation and online foreign interference erode our democracy, and Donald Trump has invited both,” Warren said in a Tweet Wednesday. “Anyone who seeks to challenge and defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election must be fully prepared to take this on – and I’ve got a plan to do it.”Warren proposed to combat disinformation by holding big tech companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google responsible for spreading misinformation designed to suppress voters from turning out.”I will push for new laws that impose tough civil and criminal penalties for knowingly disseminating this kind of information, which has the explicit purpose of undermining the basic right to vote,” Warren said in a release.

The answer, of course, is a bigger government and more control over information, big business, and individual voters.

NBC News continues:

As president, Warren said she would reinstate the position of cybersecurity coordinator at the National Security Council, a position crucial to protecting the U.S. She added she will also open up data for research so that academics and organizations can provide the public with knowledge on disinformation.”The stakes of this election are too high — we need to fight the spread of false information that disempowers voters and undermines democracy,” Warren said. “I’ll do my part — and I’m calling on my fellow candidates and big tech companies to do their part too.”

Part of her plan extends to her own campaign. She hilariously pledges not “knowingly use or spread false or manipulated information, including false or manipulated news reports or doctored images, audio, and videos on social media.”

As for Big Tech, here are just a few of her plans for them and her big taxing, big spending, big government:

For the government, she also has big plans:

As with most of Warren’s ideas, it’s a solution in search of a problem, with the solution itself being far more onerous a threat to our freedoms than the alleged issue it seeks to address.

Townhall reports:

Sen. Warren has been a vocal critic of big tech companies on account of preserving Democracy, but policies such as this do destructive damage to the system. Criminalizing the spread of misinformation, which may also be code for information which Sen. Warren disagrees with, is a complete infringement on freedom of speech. In addition, to compel private businesses to share make public their algorithms is government overreach.Citing interference by Russia, Sen. Warren weakly advocates for authoritarian policy in her typical alarmist fashion. This policy is nothing short of a breach of free speech rights, and the Constitution as a whole, disguised as ‘election reform’ and ‘holding big tech accountable.’

Warren, whose fabrications about her life story are legendary and were spread online, obviously lacks self-awareness.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Big Tech, Elizabeth Warren