Joe Biden On ObamaCare: “you couldn’t keep your doctor if you wanted to necessarily”

Former Vice President Joe Biden appeared at a town hall in Iowa over the weekend and was asked about ObamaCare.Giving a typically rambling non-answer, Biden did admit a couple of salient details: nope, you couldn’t keep your doctor “necessarily” as Obama repeatedly promised, and “no one did understand ObamaCare.” Daily Wire has a transcript:

During a question and answer session, a young man asked Biden about his support for Obamacare:

I just need this question. So we’re going to take a trip back 2008 real quick. During the run-up to the passage of Obamacare, President Obama promised my father that if he likes his plan, he can keep his plan, and that his insurance will be cheaper. After passage, his plan was no longer allowed and his insurance costs doubled. Since you supported the plan, were you lying to my dad? Or did you not understand the bill you supported?

Biden waffles on for a while before getting sort of closer to the point of the young man’s question.

Well, because people, there’s two ways people know when something is important. One, when it’s so clear when it’s passed that everybody understands it – and no one did understand Obamacare, including the way it was rolled out.And the gentleman’s right, he said, “You could keep your doctor if you wanted to,” and you couldn’t keep your doctor if you wanted to necessarily. He’s dead right about that. But the fact is that when something’s taken away, when you – people didn’t know.


If you are interested you can read the rest of the transcript here.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Joe Biden, Obamacare