Elizabeth Warren Pledges to Fill Half Her Cabinet With “Women and Nonbinary People”
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Elizabeth Warren Pledges to Fill Half Her Cabinet With “Women and Nonbinary People”

Elizabeth Warren Pledges to Fill Half Her Cabinet With “Women and Nonbinary People”

Identity politics on parade


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is becoming noticeably desperate in her grasping attempts to stall the freefall her campaign is experiencing in both polls and fundraising.

Not only did she pick—and lose—an unnecessary fight with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) over a sexist comment he supposedly made to her, but now she is pledging to fill her cabinet with ‘women and nonbinary people.’

Not the best people for a given position, mind you, just the people with vaginas and/or who are “nonbinary,” whatever that means.  Presumably, she plans to select the best from this self-limited pool of potential cabinet members, but that part is not clear.

Fox News reports:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., vowed in a new campaign policy paper that if she is elected president in November, she will fill out at least half of her Cabinet with “women and nonbinary people.”

Warren, who is currently sitting in third in most national polls behind former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, wrote Tuesday in a lengthy post on Medium that she will build “a Cabinet and senior leadership team that reflects the full diversity of America, including having at least 50 [percent] of Cabinet positions filled by women and nonbinary people.”

. . . . The post by Warren, who has been criticized for playing identity politics, echoes a statement she made during December’s Democratic presidential primary debate in Los Angeles where she said that if she was elected president, she would “go to the Rose Garden once a year to read the names of transgender women, of people of color, who have been killed in the past year.”

Even Whoopi Goldberg at the View was unimpressed and actually nailed one of the primary problems with the left’s identity politics fetish.

The Washington Examiner reports:

In a Medium post entitled “Restoring Integrity and Competence to Government After Trump,” Warren, 70, said her presidential administration would be committed to diverse racial and gender representation, providing a checklist of goals she intends to accomplish in office. One such goal includes filling half of her Cabinet with either women or nonbinary individuals.

“Our government officials can best serve the American public when they reflect the diversity of the country itself,” she wrote. “I will build a Cabinet and senior leadership team that reflects the full diversity of America, including having at least 50% of Cabinet positions filled by women and non-binary people.”

Warren faced backlash from the co-hosts of ABC’s The View. Meghan McCain, Whoopi Goldberg, and Joy Behar agreed that she was using the strategy of identity politics. “I know you guys hate when I say this, but I really don’t like identity politics,” said McCain, the conservative host on the show. “None of us like identity politics,” Goldberg responded. Sunny Hostin, a liberal host on the show, disagreed, adding that she likes identity politics. But Goldberg fired back, “This is how people say to you that you’re not smart enough to figure out who you want.”

Additional pledges in Warren’s latest plan include:

  • Ensure representation of LGBTQ+ people across all levels of government, including in leadership roles.
  • Diversify recruitment to direct real resources toward attracting entry-level applicants for public service from HBCUs, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, and other minority-serving institutions, and reform high-level recruiting processes to attract diverse experienced hires into senior management positions.
  • Create new paid fellowship programs for federal jobs for people from marginalized communities and low-income applicants, including formerly incarcerated individuals.
  • Open up promotion pathways by requiring every federal agency to incorporate diversity as part of their core strategic plan and creating support networks through a government-wide mentorship program that centers Black and Brown employees.

If she’s hoping this will turn things around for her failing campaign, she’s in for a big surprise because it won’t. All it does is confirm Democrat primary voters’ worst fears about her and make her even more unappealing to the general electorate.


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She keeps giving us reasons.

“but now she is pledging to fill her cabinet with ‘women and nonbinary people'”

Like these,


In all honesty it becomes easier each day to say with confidence that feminism has done vastly more harm than good.

If someone identifies as 1/1024 non-binary, will they qualify?

Voice_of_Reason | January 24, 2020 at 7:25 am

well, that sounds about right for liberals: quotas.

    Albigensian in reply to Voice_of_Reason. | January 24, 2020 at 11:35 am

    “It’s not a quota, it’s a numerical goal!” — facilitator at mandatory corporate diversity training meeting.

    BTW, no one in the (captive) audience was so foolish as to point out the essential equivalence between “numerical goal” and “quota.”

Elizabeth Warren Pledges to Fill Half Her Cabinet With “Women and Nonbinary People”

Is that the cabinet where she keeps her alcohol?

She’ll need a cabinet full of booze after she loses.

WTF is a “non binary” person?

She could appoint a smart dog to her cabinet, but the Senate has to approve Fido. Why not? Then she would have the first non Homo Sapien!! Not that I am overly concerned about her actually becoming president. Sometimes I almost feel sorry for her, almost.

That’s exactly what Justin Trudeau did in Canada when he was first elected in 2015 and he gave us the most unqualified Cabinet in our history. Of course when you’re a completely incompetent moron, you do look good when your underlings are even worse.

I thought discrimination in hiring is illegal

    Milhouse in reply to Obie1. | January 24, 2020 at 10:18 am

    Not at that level. Presidential appointments are not considered employment in the usual sense. Nor are elections.

All it does is confirm Democrat primary voters’ worst fears about her and make her even more unappealing to the general electorate.

TY.. I think about a good friend and a neighbor who is a lifelong Democrat, a great person, and I cannot imagine him supporting any of the D candidates, especially EW.

She’s giving that bottle some real action! Then, what can you expect from a woman who is all mouth?

So she’s going to keep pandering.
Nothing new.

The Elizabeth Warrens of the world are such nauseating people. What self-respecting, productive adult listens to the tripe that spews from the pie hole of a Warren and then enthusiastically works to give her unfettered global power?

2smartforlibs | January 24, 2020 at 8:58 am

Fauxcahoant’s is finding Pandering is easy Policy is the hard part of running.

So she plans to appoint the Village People to show her “connectedness” with ordinary folk like us. Her hole is never deep enough so she keeps on digging. At some point she’ll be so deep people will forget there is a person down there and declaring her hole to be a public nuisance, will order it filled.

Or maybe just go with whoever is best qualified for the job, regardless of this other extraneous, irrelevant identity crap.

she will build “a Cabinet and senior leadership team that reflects the full diversity of America,

So a fifth of the cabinet will be under 15, and another eighth will be under 25, while only 16% are over 65? And at least a third will be conservative Republicans?

How terribly exclusionary of her….no men?

    Milhouse in reply to herm2416. | January 24, 2020 at 10:20 am

    No, half the cabinet positions will be reserved for people who aren’t men. The other half will be open to men, if they’re good enough.

In my experience, non-binary usually means people who’ve had some kind of experience which has caused them in whole or in part to eschew male/female, and prefer some other description of their persona.

Frankly, I wouldn’t have such a person in my cabinet. It’s not unusual they’ve suffered serious trauma, and such people are mental cases and don’t have the mental stability for such an important position.

My God, I’d NEVER have them in a cabinet!

When her ratings continue to plummet, she will next vow to elect illegals, er, non-residents to her cabinet.

Yes, this is against the Constitution but why should that stop her?

” she is pledging to fill her cabinet with ‘women and nonbinary people.’”

So, does Jessica Yaniv qualify? Please tell us, Ms Warren!

(Yes, Jessica Yaniv is Canadian, but there’s no Constitutional requirement that cabinet members be U.S. citizens, and isn’t Warren a ‘citizen of the world’?)

Normalizing diversity (e.g. sexism) and confusion. How very Pro-Choice. Lose your religion, Warren.

buckeyeminuteman | January 25, 2020 at 7:28 am

So she wants to fill her cabinet with mentally ill people. I think we already knew she would want to do that.

Shouldn’t she be trying to show how she’s better than the other Democrat candidates by promising to do something they won’t?