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Concordia College’s MLK Day Seminar for White Students: ‘How to Embrace Your Inner Racist’

Concordia College’s MLK Day Seminar for White Students: ‘How to Embrace Your Inner Racist’

“Professor Ahmed Afzaal’s ‘Inner Racist’ discussion noted that participants would be able to ‘recognize and acknowledge that there is a nasty little racist inside them’…”

I have no words.

The College Fix reports:

For this past Monday’s Martin Luther King Day, Minnesota’s Concordia College offered a racially segregated seminar titled “How to Embrace Your Inner Racist: A Session for White People.”

One of many “concurrent sessions” offered throughout the day, Professor Ahmed Afzaal’s “Inner Racist” discussion noted that participants would be able to “recognize and acknowledge that there is a nasty little racist inside them, and to do so without becoming angry or defensive.”

In addition, attendees would then “describe the skills of psychological flexibility that they must develop in order to make authentic choices in defiance of their racist tendencies.”

While the workshop included a special note that it was for whites only, the school wouldn’t stop “people of color from attending.” Nevertheless, non-whites needed to be aware “that their presence in the room [was] likely to interfere with the effectiveness of the session.”


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The Friendly Grizzly | January 26, 2020 at 11:36 am

I’m perfectly happy with my inner racist.

We don’t know anything about you other than your skin color, but we’re going to make broad presumptions about your attitudes and behavior…

George_Kaplan | January 26, 2020 at 4:59 pm

Isn’t this simply a racist seminar? Sure it’s not the KKK giving the lecture, but it is directed at a single race and making assumptions about them – all are guilty.

Inexplicable madness.

White liberal guilt is a sad mental condition.

What about Professor Ahmed Afzaal’s own nasty little “Inner Racist”? Shouldn’t he get that under control first? And then he wouldn’t be bothering white people.

The madness in those attending and taking it seriously. If he can get white people to stop doing what’s best for themselves as individuals and start “checking” themselves, then when nobody else checks themselves, they can move ahead.

This guy isn’t even white. Why would he want to speak to whites only? It’s downright creepy.

I do embrace my inner racist. I acknowledge that I do have racial biases. I generalize about various groups and I apply those generalities. If I am walking down a dark street and a group of young black men approach, I get more nervous than I would if a similar group of white kids was approaching.

That is reality, and I am embrace it! I am not going to change it!