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Calls For Reparations at Notre Dame: ‘Everything at this school is extremely white’

Calls For Reparations at Notre Dame: ‘Everything at this school is extremely white’

“We must acknowledge how white institutions contribute to black disadvantage and commit to the appropriate remedies”

Um, no?

The College Fix reports:

‘Everything at this school is extremely white’

‘Under the auspices of religion, they do harm. They do great harm’

A forum Wednesday at the University of Notre Dame featured panelists who urged the university to pay reparations to blacks and Native Americans.

Panelist Savanna Morgan, a senior at Notre Dame, said black and indigenous communities have a “right” to pursue reparations at Notre Dame. These reparations are “indeed monetary,” she said, adding they are “equally psychological and symbolic.”

Morgan said one of the “appropriate remedies” for Notre Dame is “taking our $13.8 billion endowment out of this one mile radius and sharing this wealth with the people Notre Dame has historically robbed of their right to a safe and secure life.”

“We must acknowledge how white institutions contribute to black disadvantage and commit to the appropriate remedies,” she said.


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And if you are not on a scholarship a 4 year degree is just under $300,000.

The only thing unfair about Notre Dame is how their football team is rated 5 to 10 slots higher than it should be.

It amazes me that these same students CHOSE to go there!
There are plenty of options if they want to go somewhere not so “white”.
Try Howard?

The only blacks who are arguably disadvantaged are those whose ancestors weren’t dragged over to North America a couple of hundred years ago. The standard of living of blacks in the US is significantly higher than those whose ancestors remained in Africa. When stating that your life is not to your liking, it must also be considered that it could also be much much worse.

Reparations? For what? If Warren would dismiss lawful financial contracts then Americans can dismiss any feeble claims of duty or obligation to the most privileged cult of racists to have ever lived on God’s great earth.

Then go somewhere else, Savanna, you obnoxious vapid entitled brat. Or go get a job. Why do the alleged adults in the room at these institutions just sit there and allow themselves to be browbeaten by children stringing together a bunch of clichés and pretend that it’s an enlightening experience?

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Jack Klompus. | January 27, 2020 at 11:00 am

    Because they are frightened to death of being called racist. They fear riots. Because they think Al Sharpton will walk in the door and make threats.

    The solutions:
    1) Stop being afraid.
    2) Put them down when they start. With force.
    3) Tell them “shut up”, then tell them they have 15 minutes to clear the campus or be arrested for trespass.

A fundamental legal premise requires that before negligence can be predicated of a given act, back of the act must be sought and found a duty to the individual complaining.

If my great great great grandfather mistreated you because you are black, then sue him. I am not responsible, and I am not paying for his actions.

The Friendly Grizzly | January 27, 2020 at 10:57 am

Let’s tell Howard, Fisk, Grambling, and Meherry they are too black. See what that gets us.

I am not responsible for anyone’s actions other than mine. Go sue my great-great-great grandfather. I haven’t denied you any opportunity, frankly, you have restricted mine.

“‘We must acknowledge how white institutions contribute to black disadvantage and commit to the appropriate remedies,’ she said.”

I do not acknowledge how “white institutions” contribute to black disadvantage. Someone had better explain this to me, because it is not self-evident.

Then, taking baby steps, someone needs to explain how this (if true) leads to the need to give reparations to a specific group of people — is that all blacks in America, including recent arrivals from Haiti and the Dominican Republic?

Well, what about all the Irish who left Ireland because of the Famine? Do they get reparations from the British?