Bernie Sanders endorses individuals with both hardcore pro-totalitarian and anti-law enforcement sentiments

The latest Project Veritas video shows 38-year-old field organizer for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, Kyle Jurek, discussing possible GULAG’s for Trump supporters and threatening violence if Trump gets re-elected.

Jurek contended that GULAG’s weren’t that bad. After all, he claims, the prisoners were paid a living wage and had conjugal visits. He then said that if Bernie doesn’t get the nomination “The cops are going to be the ones fucking beaten in Milwaukee.” 

Conservative opinion on the significance of this video is divided. For instance,  

On the other hand, as Andy Ngo pointed out above, a number of Antifa members with violent histories are working for Bernie. I don’t think it’s just that Antifa is attracted to Bernieit’s very much a two-way street.  

Bernie’s endorsement of recently elected San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin is particularly illustrativeBoudin might be less of a drunken loudmouth than Jurek, but he checks both boxessupport for repressive totalitarianism and violent anti-police sentiment. 

If, as it is often said, Barack Obama launched his career in Bill Ayers’s dining room, Chesa Boudin emerged straight out of his nursery.  He is the only child of Weather Underground bombmaker Kathy Boudin and convicted murderer David Gilbert.   In 1981, when Chesa was 14 months old, the two colluded with the Black Liberation Army to conduct armed robbery. The latter shot one private guard, wounded another, and then shot and killed two police officers.

Both Weather Underground members were convicted of felony murder and sentenced to lengthy prison terms, at which point they gave their baby to the organization’s mastermindsBill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who have apparently raised him according to his parents’ wishes.  

Coming of age, Baby Underground went to work for Hugo Chavez, and even penned an editorial at The Nation in his support in 2006. In a recent Jacobin interview he appears to express support for the Cuban Revolution: 

There are lots of models for social change, and obviously there have been revolutions that have succeeded on their own terms using armed struggle in different moments in history, from the American Revolution to the Cuban Revolution. 

How the Cuban Revolution can be considered successful if it continues to rely on one of the largest GULAG systems in the world is an open question. Bernie-endorsed Chesa expressed support for totalitarianism is a fact. 

The anti-police attitudes of Boudin are equally well-known. Unlike his parents, Chesa is more of a long march type who sees himself as a part of a nationwide movement to subvert law enforcement from withinThis is how he described his role: 

I think that in running and winning this race, I can be part of a broader national moment that is really testing the boundaries of what’s possible through that office, which for far too long has been abandoned to the most reactionary conservative forces in our society. There is a movement around the country of progressives running to be district attorneys. A lot of people running today, including myself, wouldn’t have considered running five or ten years ago, because of the way that the office was viewed and the assumed limits of what could be accomplished, and frankly because of the public consciousness about criminal justice reform. 

The basic idea is to gut criminal law by refusing to enforce it — be it through non-prosecution of “quality of life” crimes or abolition of bail. Boudin has promised to punish corporations and landlords, “not simply prosecute whoever the police arrest.”  

Suspicion of police, viewed by communists like Boudin as the henchmen of capitalism, permeates many of the far far left political groups, such as BLM, Antifa, and various Democratic Socialist of America brunches. Boudin frequently cites personal reasons for detesting law enforcement: 

My earliest memories are of getting searched by prison guards, going through metal detectors, having my hand stamped with invisible ink, just to be able to touch my parents. I know I was having those experiences before I can even remember. 

During his campaign, Boudin has angered San Francisco’s police officers by stating, without referring to any particular wrongdoings, that he is going to hold them accountable.  Rather belatedly Police Officers Association (POA) has spent over a half a million dollars to oppose the candidate.  

At Boudin’s victory party Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer has lead the “Fuck the POA” chant. Quite hilariously, the potty-mouthed 62-year-old San Francisco Democrat is married to a veteran police officer John Fewer. Fewer himself have been accused of using excess force: 

 A Chronicle investigation published in 2006 found that John Fewer had been the subject of complaints over his use of force. In a nine-year period, Fewer reported using force 24 times. One man said Fewer lifted up his eyelids and shot pepper spray into his eyes. 

I don’t think there is any danger that he will be held accountable as Boudin has promised.

My contention is that the anti-police sentiment among the Democratic Socialists and their acolytes is real, and, as Andy Ngo pointed out, DSA/violent Antifa crossovers do exist. 

I don’t think it’s fair to hold Bernie Sanders personally responsible for every intoxicated fool working an entry level position in his campaign.  That said, Sanders endorses individuals who espouse both hardcore pro-totalitarian and anti-law enforcement sentiments, and that the two often go hand-in-hand, is no secret. Chesa Boudin personifies it 

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Antifa, Bernie Sanders, Communism, San Francisco, Socialism