Americans Believe an Internship at Google is More Valuable Than a Degree From Harvard
“According to a December survey of 2,000 adults”

This is probably true. Even if you don’t end up working at Google, just having it on your resume would open a lot of doors.
The College Fix reports:
Americans believe a Google internship is more valuable than a Harvard degree
Once you get into Harvard University, do you actually learn anything that is useful in the real world, or do you just emerge with a fancy credential?
According to a December survey of 2,000 adults commissioned by Kaplan and conducted by QuestResearch Group, far more Americans think an internship with Google is more valuable (60 percent) than a Harvard degree (40 percent) for high school graduates.
Brandon Busteed, president of university partners at Kaplan, analyzes the survey results in a post at Forbes. The percentages are closer when parents are asked what they’d prefer for their own child, but even then Google (52 percent) has the advantage over Harvard (48 percent).
A mid-November survey that asked a slightly different question was even more strongly in favor of the internship (68 percent): “If you had $50,000 to invest in helping your child get a good job, how would you rather spend it?”
Busteed notes that “it suggests many parents are willing to invest in an internship experience”:
This opens a whole new dimension to the talent development marketplace where one can imagine a world where employers and education partners team up to provide tuition-based internship programs. …
It’s an opportunity to create an innovative fusion between education and work where higher education remains relevant but in very different forms. It’s an opportunity for colleges and universities to go beyond the accredited degree model and expand into the rapidly growing space of non-degree, certificate and certification training. And it opens the possibility of new partnership models between employers and universities that produce interesting variants of apprenticeships, co-ops, and internships.

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I believe that for many professions, a return to apprenticeship and internship programs beats a classroom every time.
Wow. This is amazing. That a clear majority of Americans picked the obviously correct answer. I would not have expected that. Maybe there is hope after all.
This isn’t news. Its been true for at least a decade and probably for two. Have you met a recent Harvard grad? Not hirable.
I wonder how many people get an internship at Google without a minimum of a STEM bachelors degree from a top school.