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Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Announces ‘Free’ Community College Program

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Announces ‘Free’ Community College Program

“Everyone deserves the opportunity to get a good education and a good job, no matter who you are or how much money you have”

Free college is all the rage among Democrats these days and Northam now has party control in Virginia.

Campus Reform reports:

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam unveils MASSIVE ‘free’ community college plan

Democrat Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced Thursday a program called “Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back” that would provide tuition-free community college for more than 40,000 Virginia students.

This taxpayer-funded plan, also referred to as the “G3” initiative, will require $145 million over a 2-year period. According to The Richmond Times-Dispatch, students must be eligible for in-state tuition in order to receive this taxpayer-funded benefit.

“Everyone deserves the opportunity to get a good education and a good job, no matter who you are or how much money you have,” Northam said.

Qualifying students will receive up to $1,000 each semester and up to $500 for each summer term, as well as grant each institution a “Performance Payment” for each student receiving the benefit that completes 30 units, and another when a beneficiary student receives an Associates degree

Free college has become an increasingly popular idea with the 2020 Democrat presidential candidates. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has proposed a $1.25 trillion plan to cancel student loan debt and make college tuition-free, along with Sen. Bernie Sanders’ simialr $1.6 trillion plan and Julian Castro’s $1.5 trillion plan intended to lower education costs.


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The Friendly Grizzly | December 17, 2019 at 11:53 am

I’m sure making college free will pay back manyfold to Virginia. All of those freshly minted Gender Studies, Interpretive Dance, and Social Justice Degree holders will bve snapped right up by Capital One, Smithfield Foods, General Dynamics, and Navy Federal Credit Union.

VCCS Enrollment is wayyy down across the state.

    healthguyfsu in reply to healthguyfsu. | December 17, 2019 at 11:56 am

    This is usually a sign of the economy. When the economy is good, JUCO enrollment is down because there are less people looking to find a new career path.

    That’s actually not a bad thing for the state. The problem is what happens when the economy is bad, the tax revenue isn’t pouring in, and more people want to take advantage of this “free” service.

Is Mr Blackface going to pay for all this free stuff with the profits from reselling the guns he intends to confiscate?

Is Mr Blackface going to pay for all this free stuff with the profits from reselling the guns he intends to confiscate?

86 of 95 Virginia counties are now 2nd amendment sanctuary counties.
‘Ole Ralph should be very worried.

“Everyone deserves the opportunity to get a good education and a good job, no matter who you are or how much money you have”

And, apparently, no matter how seriously you are NOT college material. I’m so old I still think college admissions should be based on academic merit.