Report: Immigration Will Give Democrats 24 More House Seats From Trump States After 2020 Census

Democrats have a vested interested in unrestrained immigration and in ensuring that the citizenship question never makes the U. S. Census.  According to the Center for Immigration Studies, immigration surges over the past ten years will result in the redistribution of as many 26 House seats, mostly in blue states.

Additionally, 24 of the lost House seats are in states that President Trump won in 2016.  This is not only concerning to Republicans hoping to retake the House in 2020 but to the president himself as he seeks reelection.

The Washington Examiner reports:

The 10-year surge in illegal and legal immigration has exploded the populations of mostly Democratic states enough that the 2020 census is likely to result in the redistribution of 24 House seats in states President Trump won, according to a new population analysis released Thursday morning.The prediction from the Center for Immigration Studies said that 26 seats overall will shift due to immigration increases since the last census was taken. And it said that a minimum of 19 of those seats will be added to Democratic states.“Immigration profoundly redistributes political power at the federal level by changing the apportionment of House seats and votes in the Electoral College,” said the report compiled by Steven A. Camarota, the center’s director of research, and demographer Karen Zeigler.CIS expects Ohio to be the biggest loser of House seats and California the biggest winner because many illegal and legal immigrants reside in California, and the distribution of 435 House seats is based on the national population count.It is possible that had the shift in House seats occurred in time for the 2016 election, Hillary Rodham Clinton would have won the Electoral College vote, not Trump.

The report is alarming, the Washington Examiner notes, in that it is “one of the first reports to confirm concerns that unchecked immigration, cheered by liberals, dramatically helps the Democratic Party.”

The report found that the booming population of noncitizens alone will shift 10 seats. And when focused only on illegal immigration, five seats will be lost from mostly Trump states.

The Washington Examiner provides a list of key predictions from the CIS report.

Democrats champion open borders and reject any attempt to secure our borders for a reason. While they may pay lip service to amnesty and citizenship for illegals, Democrats don’t need it in order to benefit immensely from unchecked immigration.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Census, Immigration, US House