Poll Finds Bernie Sanders Making Significant Gains With College Students

If you spend years telling college students that you’re going to erase their debt and make college free, it eventually pays off.

The Hill reports:

Poll: Sanders jumps 7 percentage points among college studentsSen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) jumped 7 percentage points in college student support, according to a poll released Thursday.The College Reaction-Axios poll asked college students who their favored 2020 presidential candidates are and saw Sanders receive the support of 22.5 percent of respondents, 7 percentage points higher than in September’s poll. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) slipped 3.6 percentage points from her former top spot to 15.9 percent support, placing her in third behind President Trump.Warren’s drop reflects national poll trends, which followed her explanation of how to pay for “Medicare for All.”Trump received the second highest support at 17.3 percent, but the poll noted that Democratic student votes are more divided because of the number of candidates.In September’s poll, Warren had overtaken former Vice President Joe Biden’s lead from July with the support of almost 20 percent of students, compared to Biden’s 13.1 percent. Biden earned 12.3 percent backing in this poll.Behind them, entrepreneur Andrew Yang slipped to 9.3 percent support and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg rose to 8.2 percent. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who dropped out of the race Tuesday, measured at 2.8 percent.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, College Insurrection