Newt Gingrich: Democrats Delaying on Impeachment “to See if They can Create More Evidence”
“they’re admitting that the case they have is so weak, they don’t want to send it over to the Senate”
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi still hasn’t handed the articles of impeachment over to the Senate.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has a very credible theory to explain why the Democrats are stalling.
According to Newt, Democrats know their case is weak and are hoping to come up with something stronger.
Joshua Nelson reports at FOX News:
Newt Gingrich on Nancy Pelosi withholding documents: ‘They’re just buying time to see if they can create more evidence’
House Democrats do not seem very confident in the evidence they have gathered for an impeachment trial in the Senate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday.
Gingrich was referring to current Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to sit on the articles of impeachment passed last week accusing President Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress for his dealings with Ukraine. Pelosi said she stopped the clock in order to pressure the Senate into agreeing to certain terms for a trial. In an unusual press conference last Thursday, Pelosi, D-Calif., defended her decision to hold off, calling McConnell a “rogue leader.”
“They’re just buying time to see if they can create more evidence,” Gingrich told “Fox & Friends.”
“But the whole thing is pretty stupid. First of all, they’re admitting that the case they have is so weak, they don’t want to send it over to the Senate. The more they behave politically, the more they devalue the entire impeachment process.”
Watch the video below:
Gingrich has been an outspoken critic throughout this entire process. He recently published a column about it at his website:
The Democrats’ Alternative Universe Impeachment
Watching recent developments in the House Democratic Party, it is clear that the effort to impeach President Trump has nothing to do with facts or a normal process of investigation and evidence-based prosecution.
We are living through a process defined by a pro-Trump universe and an anti-Trump universe. The great economy, record-low unemployment, the conservative judges, the achievements in renewing the Space program, and a host of other positive things are occurring in the pro-Trump universe.
However, the willful avoidance of facts and evidence by left-wing media and left-wing Democrats is a sign that there is an alternative anti-Trump universe.
Featured image via YouTube.
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to see if they can create more evidence
You know, isn’t that sort of thing – when done in a criminal case – exactly the sort of thing that gets higher courts to throw the case out as a fishing expedition?
Too bad we don’t have a constitutionalist majority on the Supreme Court, so we could cut this travesty short.
I’m also pretty sure that creating evidence is somewhat problematic legal wise (ie. highly illegal).
Not much risk though, at least in criminal cases. Zero civil liability and actual criminal prosecution being rare make manufacturing or destroying evidence a mere strategic choice for a prosecutor.
‘more evidence’ ? -Got to be kidding; you might mean “create any evidence at all”.
Democratic plan …
1. Reduce unemployment through plagues and pestilence like abortion so we can reduce our Carbon Footprint
2. Achieve a strong defense through surrender because it costs us all equally. And LOSE/Win is so much cheaper than WIN/Lose.
3. An economy strong enough to help the Middle Class become poorer so they too can learn to depend on Government instead of themselves.
Democratic 2020 real moto …
Make a Dark Age Great Again! aka MaDGA
“Too bad we don’t have a constitutionalist majority on the Supreme Court, so we could cut this travesty short.”
Last thing I want to see is a precedent set for nine, unaccountable SCOTUS Justices deciding the removal of the President. At least with the current, imperfect system, there is the possibility of holding the Dem/Thugs accountable in Nov. 2020.
I certainly don’t want a cabal of black robes ruling us, either. And Constitutionalists by definition wouldn’t do that.
But Constitutionalists could certainly make points like “Hey, there’s no actual crime here*” and “Yes, the Senate can simply dismiss the charges the House has brought – especially since the House refuses to deliver them.”
(* According to the Constitution, “obstruction of Congress” is the President’s friggin’ JOB.)
“According to the Constitution, “obstruction of Congress” is the President’s friggin’ JOB.”
Concur. Our entire system of “check and balances” is accomplished with each successive step of the process of governing being capable of putting the kibosh on the previous step (House, to Senate, to president, to courts/jurors – and including the individual, personal oaths to support and defend the Constitution, permitting/requiring non-compliance with unlawful orders/laws).
Thank Paul Ryan for this fiasco.
We needed to remove Ryan and the other RINOs in Congress.
Unfortunately that meant giving the Dems temporary control of the House.
Fortunately the Dems, as usual, have overplayed their hand and will probably lose most of the seats outside their urban redoubts.
Seems like Pelosi will hold the articles until the entire Senate disqualifies themselves, so she can declare guilt.
Actually I’d prefer that she stall. Up to the election when the Ds will be ousted from majority status. Then when the new, 117th Congress is seated, with that new GOP majority, that Congress will simply rescind/annul/nullify/countermand/abrogate/dissolve/quash/obliterate* the unsent impeachment articles.
*In other words to render them like John Cleese’s dead parrot,
“‘E’s not pinin’! ‘E’s passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed ‘im to the perch ‘e’d be pushing up the daisies! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘E’s off the twig! ‘E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!”
Lets suppose that the Ds lose the majority in the 2020 election. And in retaliation Pelosi sends the articles to the Senate regardless of whether “rules” for the trial are agreed to. Between the election and the seating of the new Congress will be insufficient time for a trial, or at least McConnell can make it time-insufficient. So the new Senate must deal with the trial. But as noted above, the new House can simply nullify the articles and the problem goes away. Pelosi will again be stymied in her malicious machinations.
In that circumstance McConnell would just ignore the Articles and wait for the new Majority in the House. Then he’d vote an Acquittal. Simple, straitforward and back to work.
In that circumstance McConnell would just ignore the Articles and wait for the new Majority in the House. Then he’d vote an Acquittal. Simple, straitforward and back to work.
You don’t really need to repeal them. If they’re not acted upon in this Congress, they will simply expire, like any other bill. The new Congress could repeal them, or just make an entry in the Congressional Record as to why they expired.
I’ve been advocating this should the Republicans regain the House and the articles of impeachment still be there. A simple majority should suffice to recall or strike the articles.
The Dems will scream – Nothing in the rules permits that! Nobody’s ever done that before!
The reply will be – There’s no rule against it! You’re in a bad spot to be complaining about setting precedents! (E.g., starting an impeachment without a vote of the entire House.)
It’s not like the Articles of Impeachment are only going to be known when they are submitted. They gained nothing by arguing that impeaching Trump was too urgent for the survival of the nation to wait for courts to rule on Trump’s appeal to the judiciary for rulings regarding separation of government and executive privilege. So they made THAT an impeachable offense and voted to go with that.
Now Pelosi is sitting on the articles for reasons Gingrich explains. But delaying has only given everyone time to think about what is in them and nullified the “rush to impeach” argument. Further delay only makes things worse for Pelosi. And now they are talking about preparing another article to submit?
I have no idea what is going on with the Democrats. They have painted themselves into the very center of a shooting gallery with nowhere to go but stand there and get annihilated. Stupid doubling and redoubling down on stupid. It just never ends.
the very center of a shooting gallery
They’re hoping to go all Dead Pool and have us all shoot each other. Except there isn’t really a ‘center’ of a shooting gallery. Just… down range.
Now that more and more Democrats are pealing off to distance themselves from impeachment, maybe the NeverTrumpers and many RINOs will finally wake up to join in and accept reality. Otherwise, they may find themselves to be the #resistance’s hope for pushing the US into communism. Wouldn’t that be something? All of these “super-patriot conservatives” being the enablers of communists.
Gingrich is wrong on this one. The Democrats, the party of outrage, doesn’t really care about the evidence. They only care about ginning up outrage about it.
So what they’re doing now has nothing to do with ACTUAL evidence. It is only to try to incite rage against Trump. They figure that if they can just whip up enough hate, he’ll lose and they’ll win. It’s their standard playbook these days.
The fact that it hasn’t worked so far has them absolutely baffled. So they figure they just need to keep trying, keep hating until they win!
Not so.
“House Democrats do not seem very confident in the evidence they have gathered for an impeachment trial in the Senate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday.”
They DO care about the evidence. Keep in mind that these are career politicians. Lying is their stock in trade. It’s just that they are trapped between a corrupt establishment on one side and an emerging communist movement coming into its own on the other side. They need to switch parties en-masse and the sooner the better.
We could further strengthen our own team by primarying as many entrenched NeverTrumpers as we can to make room to make sure these polymorphs salute the right flag once in.
I’d rather be worrying about policing party-switching Dems that continue having to vote between communist totalitarianism and Trump. A step in the right direction on the way to a more perfect union.
You’re mistaking rumors in the press for fact.
The fact is, if the Democrats gave a damn about the evidence, they would have gathered it in the first place. If the public was up in arms demanding removal from office, they would have plenty of confidence.
With the left, it’s always about emotion and perception. Logic need not apply.
“The fact is, if the Democrats gave a damn about the evidence, they would have gathered it in the first place.”
Maybe we are both saying the same thing in a different way but there IS no evidence to be found.
I’m coming from the angle that politicians are just kabuki theater actors and so they are not going to risk offending the Big Cheese by going public with their dismay with impeachment.
Keep in mind that The Squad began all of this when they staged a take-over sit-in of Pelosi’s office right after being sworn in. It soon became clear that Pelosi lost control of the party to a pack of well-financed, well-organized representatives of globalist interests. How would you feel if you were a Democrat congressman? Intimidated?
They DO care about evidence and the lack of it. That is why I expect this circus will take a very surprising turn before it is over. Regardless of what you may believe, most Dems are NOT planning to go out as communists. They can either do what so many spineless Tea Party Republicans keep doing by retiring, come out and fight their leadership openly like some House Republicans did before Ryan handed the House back to Pelosi, or switch parties. I know what I would do.
Sorry about the italics.
Maybe you’re right. Maybe they do care but have so little experience dealing with actual facts that they just don’t know how.
Irv, I think the only difference between what I am saying and what you are saying is that you lump all of the Democrats together as if they are all on board. I see a party that has lost confidence in its leaders. I think it is becoming obvious that maybe even most of them are not on board and looking to bail. The real question is how far are they willing to go making themselves look stupid in support of their party leadership. I think they are at the breaking point.
In other words, more NO EVIDENCE.
Right. Just more accusations.
Democrat Mantra: If at first you don’t succeed, double-down on your failed strategy. Nancy Pelosi is the worst Speaker in 2 centuries. She’s leading the Democrats to a MASSIVE House Cleaning in November and justifiably so. The only thing she has ever done successfully is hand the House Majority over to the Republicans-at that she is an acknowledged expert.
Democrat Mantra: If at first you don’t succeed, double-down on your failed strategy. Nancy Pelosi is the worst Speaker in 2 centuries. She’s leading the Democrats to a MASSIVE House Cleaning in November and justifiably so. The only thing she has ever done successfully is hand the House Majority over to the Republicans-at that she is an acknowledged expert.
President Trump has the best economy in many decades. Unemployment is at historic lows, wages are rising in real terms. New Trade Deals are being signed at a record pace, the China trade deal-that Obama and W couldn’t negotiate-has been negotiated to Phase 1 by Trump. We have the USMCA creating many more jobs. We have Peace at home and the troops are coming back. VA is reformed, the Wall is going up and arrests of Illegal immigrants is way up. Stock Market indexes are at Record Highs and the number of people receiving unemployment and welfare is WAY down. By EVERY tangible measure Donald Trump has been a successful First Term President.
The ONLY thing the Democrats have is their abject hatred for Trump. That’s it, they have nothing else. There will be a MAJOR House Cleaning in November and justifiably so, the Dems were handed the majority and they squandered it. Nancy Pelosi has been a disaster as Speaker and has abused her Constitutional Power BIGLY.
Progressives have been claiming for 3 years that Trump committed multiple crimes .. and now they can’t seem to remember them.
This goes back to what I said weeks ago.
Democrats are using Congress and the taxpayers to run their 2020 campaign.
And they have the media to give them billions in free ads by pushing and repeating each Orange Man Bad Talking Point 24/7 on 95% of the news outlets.
They want this to stretch out until the election, with Schitt creating new charges as they go along. They simply don’t have an agenda or candidates that can win in 2020, so they have to destroy the opponent instead and hope to win by default.
I fully expect them to impeach him more than once, because they won’t be happy with just one asterisk beside his name
“And they have the media to give them billions in free ads by pushing and repeating each Orange Man Bad Talking Point 24/7 on 95% of the news outlets.”
This is bearing fruit. A poll out today says 55% of those polled favor DJT’s removal from office. This should not be surprising considering that half of the electorate is the DNC’s “unaware and compliant citizenry” (, the other half of which (of which half are deplorable, and proud of it) have been subjected to this unceasing bombardment. It’s evidence that constant propaganda works to mold public opinion and that a large portion of the electorate is to stupid to realize they’re being lied to, and another portion is to lazy to seek out the truth.
The Dems/Progs are pleading their case against the President in the court of public opinion. They have a new standard, it’s called preponderance of innuendo. The wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party, dinosaur media is complicit. A strong supporting role is the public school education and near complete introdoctrination and lack of critical thinking.
Good way to lose at poker. Keep bluffing when all the other players know you have no hand.