Lindsey Graham on Impeachment: “I am going to end this as quickly as I can”
“This is a joke of a process. It’s dangerous for the country.”
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) appeared on Fox News Sunday morning and blasted House Democrats in general and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-NY) in particular. Graham, who serves as Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, also shared his intention to end the impeachment trial “as quickly as I can for the good of the country.”
To that end, Graham states that he has no intention of calling as a witness either the “whistleblower” or Schiff (or the Bidens). He says that he doesn’t want to give the “joke of a process” House impeachment “any more credibility than it deserves.”
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., “is doing a lot of damage to the country, and he needs to stop,” according to Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
“The whole process is illegitimate in the House,” Graham told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.” “It’s not just the whistleblower. You don’t want to create a situation where an anonymous person can start impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States.
“This is a joke of a process. It’s dangerous for the country.”
Graham told host Maria Bartiromo he would stop short of calling Schiff to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee in an impeachment trial against President Donald Trump, however.
“I’m not going to participate in things I think are going to destroy the country – I am not going to call a bunch of House Members as a part of oversight,” Graham, the Senate Judiciary chairman, said.
“We’re not going to turn the Senate into a circus. And I would tell Schiff, ‘what you’re doing is very dangerous for separation of powers here.'”
Graham said that instead of turning the Senate into a circus, he will refer House Democrats’ abuse of power to congressional oversight.
Newsmax continues:
Instead of calling House Members, Graham said he will end the impeachment trial quickly in the Senate and refer House Democrats’ abuse of power and Ukraine corruption investigations to congressional oversight.
“I’m going to end this as quickly as I can for the good of the country,” Graham said. “When 51 of us say, ‘we’ve heard enough,’ the trial is going to end. The president’s going to be acquitted.
“Impeachment is tearing the country apart. I don’t want to give it any more credibility than it deserves,” he added.
Perhaps anticipating pushback from Republican voters and/or the White House, Graham also said that the president should be happy he’s going to be acquitted and should “celebrate that.”
Schiff is one of several key figures President Trump has fiercely criticized throughout this process, but Graham said he would not recommend calling him or anyone else to testify at an impeachment trial. The senator claimed there would be no need to do so, barring a bombshell revelation between now and the beginning of a trial.
“When 51 of us say we’ve heard enough, the trial is going to end,” Graham said. “The president’s going to be acquitted. He may want to call Schiff, he may want to call Hunter Biden, he may want to call Joe Biden. But here’s my advice to the president: If the Senate is ready to vote and ready to acquit you, you should celebrate that. And we can look at this other stuff outside of impeachment. Impeachment is tearing the country apart, I don’t want to give it any more credibility than it deserves.”
Watch the segment:
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Schiff is a danger to our democracy. Just ask hildabeast.
“That’s not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. President Obama said the other day that when you’re whining before the game is even finished it just shows you’re not even up to doing the job. “
She added, “And let’s be clear about what he’s saying and what he means. He’s denigrating—he’s talking down our democracy. I for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our major two parties would take that kind of position.”
Clinton was later asked by reporters about Trump’s statement at the debate and she said, “I truly doubt he has ever read the Constitution.”
Why this isn’t thrown in her fat ankled face 24/7 I’ll never understand. Oh wait – I do understand. The media worship her fat ankled face.
Pelosi’s “Government Shut Down” and
her Do-Nothing Democrat Party Congress
See Lindsey call them out on this at about 5 minutes in.
This however will be ankle chained to Pelosi.
Jeff is right. Don’t call witnesses. Kill this whole thing as quickly as one can. It is important to protect the elite from being disclosed as the “takers” of our tax dollars. Without the money flowing through third world countries to corporations founded by our electors back to our politicians how would they remain our superiors?
President Trump presenting his case would embarrass too many Deep State Officials (Especially the ones that should already be in jail.)
With Great Power comes Great Responsibility. Democrat actions after regaining control of the House has shown the Democrats are unworthy.
Lindsey Graham = Talk, talk…
He insisted that the Senate would not accept a fact-free case based on nothing but feelings and third-level hearsay. McConnell insisted that the Senate would prosecute whatever the Dems delivered. Trump insisted on “Bring it on! and “We’ll call in Schiff, Ciaramela and the Bidens to testify under oath!” So here we are.
This is setting up just like all of the other pivotal RINO sell-outs. They drive the ball up field right to the goal line and then deliver a victory to the Dems that they couldn’t have completed themselves.
So now we know there is a deal between Pelosi and McConnell. It wouldn’t surprise me if Graham’s promise to end this as soon as he can means he will deliver a summary conviction without a trial.
Rush was explaining about two months ago how the GOPe RINOS were going to do that.
So Grahamnesty ensures that Trump’s historical legacy will be permanently smeared by Congressional Articles of Impeachment (thank your McConnell) while denying Trump his day in court to defend himself. The NeverTrumpers collaborated with the Dems to guide this through with a safe landing and they are now free to hit the hustings on the lies which Grahamnesty refused to confront on the official record with fact witnesses and due process. Why do we grant these polymorphic pathological liars a pass every time they say something we like? Words are cheap. Action is what we are clamoring for. And they NEVER EVER deliver.
The theory is out there that Graham wants this all to go away because he was taking money from Ukraine as well. (Don’t shoot the messenger).
His attitude certainly makes you wonder.
This is the perfect opportunity to put Schiff for brains and the Democrats on trial. He should subpoena Schiff and his phone records, among others. Schiff needs to have some consequences for his behavior.
If he passes on this, something is very fishy.
I don’t get LG … so much righteous anger over Kavanaugh debacle – and utterly blase on the s… Democrats and the media have been serving up these last 3 years.
The Dems need a major league arse-whooping.
That’s why we must NOT forget that we are dealing with politicians here. They are ALL liars. There is no reason for us to be believing anything these people say. It is important to keep the acetylene torch licking their asses every step of the way. The Senate is a WORSE Swamp than the House.
Graham has always been a made member of the various Gangs of McCain and continues to feel obligated to underscore that the people he is attacking with his phony grandstanding are his “dearest friends and have been for a long time(WTF???).
So he delivers his tirade in defense of Kavanaugh. Did he follow through with his threat to investigate? Phoniest of phonies.
What he’s saying is to end the fraudulent impeachment process, and go after them separately, afterward.
Kinda like getting summary judgment for malicious prosecution and abuse of process, followed by a civil trial for tort liability.
Like this:
Prosecutors prosecute, not the US Senate
More, OAN EXCLUSIVE: Yuriy Lutsenko says Yovanovitch perjured herself before Congress
Notice that the Ukranian prosecutor looks to DOJ for action, not the US Senate.
Here’s the likely source of the accusations against Graham, speculation from Conservative Tree House, based ONLY on Graham’s position to maintain separation of powers.
If they have something real on Graham, they should say so, instead of copying the thing that Adam Schiff does: claim a corrupt motive for a perfectly rational act.
Even the Ukrainians know this belongs at DOJ.
This article at TheConservativeTreehouse will explain Graham’s behavior.
Graham believes that members of congress are above the law and he will NOT subpoena Shiff to testify in the impeachment trial. He believes that uncovering the truth will destroy the nation.
‘Graham told host Maria Bartiromo he would stop short of calling Schiff to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee in an impeachment trial against President Donald Trump, however.
“I’m not going to participate in things I think are going to destroy the country – I am not going to call a bunch of House Members as a part of oversight,” Graham, the Senate Judiciary chairman, said.’
What’s destroying the nation is letting this and the FBI/DOJ misconduct go unpunished
Did Graham say He thinks the House is above the law? No. You made that up.
Graham said he would not call any members to congress to testify, that doing so would be harmful to the nation.
If that is not placing members of congress above the law, then ‘above the law’ is a phrase without meaning.
‘…members to congress…’ should read ‘…members of congress…’
Snopercid – Been listening to Q lately?
Watched 2-3 episodes of Serial Brain 2 on YT just to see what this “Q” stuff was about. One episode on the coup featured Q1728 which I fact checked since it’s a local story and I can see Whidbey island from my house. A missile fired at AF1? Hard to take it serious after taking 30 minutes to completely debunk Q1728.
On the other hand, LG asking Kavanaugh about military tribunals and executions (?) at his confirmation hearing got my attention. I sure hope and pray that LG rolling over on this means he’s aware of a bigger plan. I’d love to see the worst of them arrested, flown to Gitmo, tried and hanged. But we’ve been let down so many times I’m reluctant to get my hopes up too far.
What is this silly fantasy about trying civilians in military courts? Do let us all know where they get jurisdiction.
I suspect it is a wishful exaggeration of Graham’s line of questioning of Kavanaugh about the difference between civilian law and the law of armed conflict … see
If I had to guess, the idea of military tribunals is bandied about by Q anon folks and evangelical conservatives, and goes to the belief that ties to Ukraine (or Russia) with regard to election meddling, attempted to overthrow the government. The “resistance” is mixed in there too with regard to the peaceful transfer of power and attempts to remove Trump. In collaborating with foreign governments, I suppose they’re wrongly applying the body of law governing ‘armed conflict’ and the notion that such people are ‘enemy combatants’. Graham’s line of questioning was specific to the armed conflict in Afghanistan. I suspect people who would like to see military tribunals for gov’t officials who have made (cold) war against Trump and the gov’t we elected, myself included, are just wishful thinking. Speaking for myself only, I’d like to see it done that way for expediency and so as not to give those criminals any more attention than they’ve already received. They’ve committed shameful acts, and it ought be handled swiftly and justly. I’d hate to see the likes of HRC, Kerry, et al, string out their (civilian) trials through the court system for all to see and labor over …
I’m sure you’re right – civilians brought to Military tribunal domestically and with no armed conflict won’t happen. For me at least, it just expresses the desire for swift justice and no prolonged (agonizing) political theater. They committed despicable acts, and personally, I’d like to see them put down like rabid dogs.
Gitmo was established solely to house prisoners that were to be kept outside the jurisdiction of US Courts. This has lent a patina to gitmo as a magic place in minds of many.
No. Where would I find Mr. Q on the web?
I believe it’s a group on 4Chan or 8Chan or whatever it’s called. Q is supposedly someone with high-level clearance who leaks/posts brief communications that have to be de-coded. I heard about it for the first time about a month ago, when my Youtube feed ‘recommended’ a video by Mark Taylor, the so-called “Trump prophet” who predicted Trump’s presidency years before 2016. In the video I saw of Mr. Taylor, he mentioned “Q” and “Q Anon” several times and in particular a YT channel called “Serial Brain 2” who “decodes” the Q posts.
The videos I watched stoked some feelings I’ve had concerning the desire for justice (read: prosecution and punishment). But – as often happens with me – when I am tempted to chase a rabbit-trail, the Father brings me back around to the path He’s set before me – and I seized on an absurd claim in one of the videos and fact-checked it. Specifically, that there was a rogue missile-launch from Whidbey Island, which I can see from my house across the strait, that attempted to shoot down Air Force 1. Being a local story, it wasn’t hard to chase down the facts and using other publicly available records, was able to prove AF1 was in Singapore at the time of the alleged Washington state rogue missile launch. As memory serves, that was Q post 1728.
Showing one of the Q posts as complete bunk, I never bothered with another. There is a degree to which the whole Q thing is there to simply prey on people’s unfulfilled desire for justice.
It’s not worth my time nor emotional energy to sift through the crap for a morsel of encouragement. And where I’m a person of faith and there are overtones of spirituality in the whole Q phenomenon mixed with manipulative emotionalism and falsehoods, I can’t be bothered with it. It’s a time suck and distraction to what really matters to me – spiritually speaking. 😀
OT; I couldn’t find that tip link.
Instead of calling House Members, Graham said he will end the impeachment trial quickly in the Senate and refer House Democrats’ abuse of power and Ukraine corruption investigations to congressional oversight.
In this context what does congressional oversight mean?
Where s… sandwiches go to die.
Until our justice system takes a step back and indicts hillary clinton for her high crimes and treason, it’s all a sham.
Our justice system is BROKEN, and the federal government is TOTALLY CORRUPT, from john ‘obamacare’ roberts all the way down.
I’d like to know who the Hillabeast uses for her wet-work. All those kills and not even a whisper as to who is doing it. Now THAT is solid cybersecurity!
I was kinda hoping the GOP in the Senate would drag the trial out for months. Call the whistleblower, Bidens, Schiff, Ukrainians; everybody remotely involved. The TV networks with TDS will either cover the trial like they did the inquiry and lose millions in ad revenue and alienate people or show their bias by not covering it. At the very least make Dumbocrat senators running for POTUS stay in DC instead of campaigning. Drag it out all the way to their convention.
We know from reports that Romney, Graham, Pelosi, Schiff, Kerry, Biden’s and many many more in Congress were on the gravy train from Ukraine. If that group is publicly known think how many are not and do not want to be. Who has the power over Graham? McConnell! Does anyone think that Mitch would have missed out on that train?
This tells me that Schumer and McConnell have decided to put on a show of hatred for each other but behind the scenes, they are giddy because this thing is going to die quickly.
You forgot to mentions the million rumored to have poured into McCain and Murkowski’s PACs, Foundations or “investment” schemes.
You called it.
Alan Dershowitz was speaking with Mark Levin on Sunday, and I found the discussion regarding the fact that the partisan impeachment meets none of the constitutional criteria for impeachment and could be considered void under judicial review. It seems to me that if passed without standing by house democrats both the senate and the executive branch may have standing to bring the case to the Supreme Court.
The constitutional issues regarding the impeachment of the POTUS needs to be clarified. Balance and separation of powers needs to be restored. This may be a good place to start.
Paul in Sweden: the partisan impeachment meets none of the constitutional criteria for impeachment and could be considered void under judicial review.
No. The U.S. Constitution provides that the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment”.
Name the high crime or misdemeanor. List the elements. State the evidence supporting each element.
“The Impeachment Inquiry Into President Donald J. Trump: The Constitutional Basis For Presidential Impeachment”
Wrong Zachriel; the partisan impeachment hearings being described as “the partisan impeachment hearings” does not negate Alan Dershowitz’s legal argument pointing out that the partisan impeachment hearings have not met a single criteria required for impeachment and their referral to the senate must/should/could/might be considered void.
Try again, did you really think a word game like that would work here? Maybe it works with the #gruberstupid democrat voters but that dog does not hunt here.
Oops. Reply below.
Lindsey: “I am going to end this as quickly as I can”
Because …
a. – “I wouldn’t want to do anything to actually embarrass our Democratic friends or my friend Joe Biden”
b. – “Everybody got a piece of that sweet Ukraine grift and we don’t need the voters figuring that out”
c. – “Running this is just too much work and gets in the way of fundraising”
d. – “Subpoenaing a House Member is tots too scary and against norms. Let’s wait until the Dems do it first to us”
e. – All of the above
Given the opportunity to actually score a huge win and expose all the Democratic shenanigans and possibly even scare them out of voting to impeach, the Republicans will go for the smallest possible win and then allow the Democrats run around and claim fix on the impeachment vote.
Graham is delivering exactly what the Dems want. Articles of Impeachment accepted by the Senate (which can only achieve a conviction if the RINOs remain true to form) and put to rest without a trial so they can proceed with their own House and Senate re-election campaigns as well as the presidential elections.
Where is Ted Cruz? Hello?
Actually, there is another possibility: turn the hearings on the Socialists and Communists in the House; re-interview their witnesses, subpoena the Socialists–Schiff, Nadler and many others who don’t want their crimes revealed–and indict them and all who have been campaigning for collusion and a coup, which could also include Tlaib and AOC, and sentence THEM for treason.
Graham might be right. The most important thing is a unanimous vote among Republicans to dismiss. If Collins, Murkowski, and Delecto don’t want to embarrass Biden, but will acquit in return for this, you have to take it.
On live TV, as Graham is about to close the proceedings and gavel the proceedings closed, a voice calls out from the back of the room, “ Just a minute, Lindsey!”
POTUS, accompanied by an army of angry Judge Advocate Generals and several Ukrainian officials (plus translators) strides to the front of the room.
Joe Biden, watching from the campaign trail, fills his Depends.
Valerie: Name the high crime or misdemeanor.
That wasn’t the question, but whether the Supreme Court could intervene. It cannot.
Paul in Sweden: the partisan impeachment hearings have not met a single criteria required for impeachment
There’s no way for the Supreme Court to void an impeachment because the power belongs solely to the House of Representatives. They have no say in the matter.
Tough day for a minimum wage paid commie commenter.
It’s going to get worse.
I do not know what Gramnesty’s goals re this impeachment circus nor his plans to reach them are. I am fairly certain he is acting to uphold the USA occasionally, by chance and to uplift himself and his donors always and by intent.