House Pushes Through Spending Bills Totaling $1.4 Trillion With a Ton of Pork

The House of Representatives had less than 24 hours to review spending bills, totaling 2,000+ pages and worth $1.4 trillion, to keep the government fund through the next fiscal year.

Despite the small time frame, the representatives passed the bill in order to avert a shutdown, which would have happened on Friday.

In total, the House voted on 12 spending bills, which “allots $49 billion in funding across the government.”

From CNBC:

However, representatives stuffed the bills with a lot of pork that has nothing to do with spending.

For instance, the bill includes making 21 the legal age to buy tobacco.

Congress also added tax extenders in the middle of the night:

The roster of add-ons grew over the weekend to include permanent repeal of a tax on high-cost “Cadillac” health insurance benefits and a hard-won provision to finance health care and pension benefits for about 100,000 retired union coal miners threatened by the insolvency of their pension fund. A tax on medical devices and health insurance plans would also be repealed permanently.The deficit tab for the package grew as well with the addition of $428 billion in tax cuts over 10 years to repeal the three so-called ObamaCare taxes.

Sounds great, but…

The “tax extenders” portion includes other sectors, which Forbes details in this article.

Congress also snuck in an extension of the Export-Import Bank and National Flood Insurance Program.

The bills head to the Senate and then Trump’s desk. Kellyanne Conway told the media Trump is “poised to sign” the bills and “very happy” about the contents.

Stop spending. Stop stuffing bills with pork.

Tags: Trump Administration, Trump Budget, US House