Get Woke, Go Broke: Enrollment Shrinks and Faculty Cut at Evergreen State
“Evergreen’s enrollment this fall was 2,854 students, down more than 40 percent from its peak headcount a decade ago.”

Evergreen State College made national news in the spring of 2017, when the campus descended into anarchy because a professor refused to leave campus for a progressive race-based observance.
In the following weeks and months, things got worse. You can read all of our coverage of Evergreen here.
Today, the school is struggling with enrollment.
Abby Spegman reports at the Olympian:
Evergreen sees signs of progress but a long way to go as it looks to stop shrinking
Freshman Wasmine Ghosheh said she noticed it in the dorms.
When the 19-year-old from Sonoma County, California, arrived at The Evergreen State College in September, she met students who were supposed to have roommates but ended up with their own rooms.
“There’s a lot of space — it’s spacious, let’s say,” Ghosheh said the Friday before Thanksgiving break in a nearly empty cafeteria on campus.
Evergreen’s enrollment this fall was 2,854 students, down more than 40 percent from its peak headcount a decade ago. The decline, corresponding with an economic recovery and mirroring a trend in liberal arts enrollment nationally, was compounded by campus unrest two and a half years ago that made national headlines.
There have also been faculty cuts:
The college plans its course offerings with a 22-to-1 student-to-faculty ratio, so as student numbers have fallen, so too have faculty numbers, said David McAvity, Evergreen’s dean for academic budgets. In just two years, the college has cut the equivalent of 34 full-time faculty positions, a 20 percent decrease.
Last school year, the college started offering retirement incentives to some tenured faculty. (Evergreen doesn’t use the term “tenured,” however, instead referring to them as faculty with a continuing contract.) This year, incentives are being offered to all tenured faculty who want to leave or reduce their contracts to part time, McAvity said.
Perhaps as a result of these developments, Evergreen is now supposedly trying to make changes. The question is whether or not it’s too late.
Hannah Furfaro reports at the Seattle Times:
In hopes of ending enrollment woes, The Evergreen State College is overhauling its academic programs
As an undergraduate at The Evergreen State College in the 1970s, John Calambokidis took advantage of the university’s alternative approach.
He spent most of his time working independently or on group projects, and worked under two National Science Foundation grants. After graduating in 1978, he launched a research nonprofit called Cascadia Research.
“I was one of the students who benefited from the high degree of freedom that Evergreen encouraged,” Calambokidis said.
But that flexibility isn’t for everybody — and starting next semester, students will be able to choose from 11 “paths” that give them a clearer road to a career. Choosing a path isn’t required for graduation. But their creation marks a drastic change from the current structure, which gives students leeway to chart their own academic journey through an ever-changing set of courses and programs designed by faculty…
The creation of formalized paths, college officials said, will make Evergreen’s offerings more predictable. Faculty will plan many courses and programs several years in advance so students can more easily map out their schedules.
They probably need stronger changes than these but no one can force the school to change its culture.
It’s difficult to think of a better real-life argument against free college than Evergreen State.

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They should protest the cuts
Heard something one time about reaping what you sow. Also heard something about time to pay the piper 🙂
The Piper’s making out like a bandit.
Hey! Isn’t that guy in the lead picture throwing a white supremacy symbol?! Evergreen is full of white supremacists! Cue the outrage mob!
That GUY is Brett Weinstein, and he is the the professor who refused to leave campus for a progressive race based observance.
Oh! See, they were right about him!
(That ruined some good sarcasm, dangit.)
“Free College” might be a good thing. Do you really want this mob of crazy, stupid, and evil people in society in general? Think of it as a nice prison camp.
“Free College” might be a good thing.
Not in this case. Make them pay the full load so they start out crushed by debt after leaving the school of lower education.
By having to learn to ask if people would like fries with their happy meal every day for twenty years maybe they’d teach others not to be so stupid.
2854? My daughter’s high school has more students than that and there are 17 high schools in my county.
A high school that large? That’s not a school, it’s a factory.
My kid’s school district has ~150,000 kids enrolled…..
Average high school in my county has 2216 students.
You can get a good football team with that many students.
My High School had 4000 students.
I’m totally curious. Why do conservatives – especially religious conservatives – send their children to government bureaucratic public schools?
Diversity (and exclusion) breeds adversity.
Hatred breeds hatred.
So the death of even the most insane center for higher ed is excruciatingly slow. That’s an important fact. For one thing, it means those faculty members who were cut from here can probably find even higher paying jobs at places that have not yet circled the rim so far.
Remember that. A battle may have been one but the war goes on.
Good point. Where can we find data on total employment of college professors in the US, and can we get it broken down by academic discipline?
I’m sure that if I looked a little harder, I could find the breakdowns that you requested.
Please, let Oberlin follow Evergreen’s lead
White professors at Oberlin are already job hunting. It is a trickle now, but……
They should invite Robin DiAngelo back for more seminars on combating whiteness, with the remaining small change they have left before closing.
My wife is sort of plugged in and as it turns out enrollment at liberal arts colleges everywhere is down.
It’s a combo of the cost/tantrum indoct/and Mike Rowe.
We are only at the front of this trend. In about a decade we are going to see a generation of early 20 something workers who chose NOT to go into a 100k debt to make 40k/year.
What we need to speed it along is a good Dirty Jobs reboot. Mike Rowe’s original series is great but is starting to feel dated.
Mike Rowe and future value calculations are killing more degrees than even a college can imagine….
The changes that Evergreen is implementing is far too little far too late. They should have stopped all the nonsense back in 2017 before it grew out of control. But they didn’t. And the damage is done. Time for students and faculty to consider moving on to more stable employment at an institution that isn’t failing. Nothing left to do but make sure all the lights are out and the doors are locked behind them.
Evergreen’s problems started long before 2017. St Rachel the Pancake was in 2003, and she wasn’t the start of it either.
Ride the wind, die in the storm.
“The college plans its course offerings with a 22-to-1 student-to-faculty ratio, so as student numbers have fallen, so too have faculty numbers, said David McAvity, Evergreen’s dean for academic budgets. In just two years, the college has cut the equivalent of 34 full-time faculty positions, a 20 percent decrease.”
I don’t see any mention in this post about cuts in the number of administrators and other staff positions. Seems to me that admin is far more responsible for allowing, if not encouraging, the student misconduct awhile back that is helping make enrollment drop so steeply. They should cut more than 20% of admin/staff positions and replace many of the individuals in the remaining positions if they really want to help their school. I’m not holding my breath for that.
Evergreen State on a resume won’t impress too many perspective employers.
There is far more college capacity than students applying these days. It’s time to start culling the herd. Evergreen State and Oberlin are great places to start.
“ There is far more college capacity than students applying these days. It’s time to start culling the herd. Evergreen State and Oberlin are great places to start.”
I have longed believed both college and land will become more affordable as the Boomers die. Something about supply and demand….
Don’t worry. More than enough immigrants to make up for the dying Boomers.
Not-so-Evergreen U is discovering the hard way what The Dixiechicks, the NFL, and Imus (RIP) all learned when they did stupid and offensive acts.
I know I would NEVER hire a graduate or teacher from EU. I would suggest they learn coding, except the MSM has flooded the market. Maybe Burger 101, whoops, that’s being automated. The military won’t accept subversives. Hmmmm, digging ditches?
“The world needs ditch diggers.” -Judge Snells on Caddyshack.