Chuck Todd Confuses Toni Morrison With Maya Angelou in Interview Slamming Spread of Disinformation

Meet the Press host Chuck Todd slammed President Donald Trump over his supposed “willingness to ‘spread disinformation'” during an interview with Rolling Stone.

However, in the same interview, Todd confused two great female African-Americans: Toni Morrison and Maya Angelou.

From Fox News:

“I fully admit, listening to you ask that question now, and me giving you the honest answer of, yeah, I guess I really believed they wouldn’t do this. Just so absurdly naive in hindsight,” Todd responded. “Donald Trump’s entire life has been spent using misinformation. His entire life. I’ve spent years studying him now on trying to figure out how did this guy even learn politics? Where did he learn?”He continued, “And the more you learn, you realize he learned at the feet of a master of deception in Roy Cohn, who learned at the feet of the original master of deception of sort of the modern political era in Joe McCarthy. So I mean, look, if people want to read my answer to your question, ‘Boy, that Chuck Todd was hopelessly naive.’ Yeah, it looks pretty naive. I think we all made the mistake of not following Toni Morrison’s advice, which is when people tell you who they are, believe them.”

Yeah, um, Angelou said that:

Many years ago, she was talking to Dr. Maya Angelou about a relationship wherein — as she shares in this clip from “Oprah’s Lifeclass” — she spent a lot of time waiting by the phone for a call that rarely came.Dr. Angelou’s response became one of Oprah’s favorite life lessons to date. The lesson? “When people show you who they are, believe them.”“When a person says to you, ‘I’m selfish,’ or ‘I’m mean’ or ‘I am unkind,’ believe them,” Oprah says in the clip. “They know themselves much better than you do.”At the time of the relationship discussion, Oprah was telling Dr. Angelou about how she was being let down by the man she was dating. Oprah says Dr. Angelou didn’t understand her frustration. Says Oprah, “[Dr. Angelou] was saying to me, ‘Why are you blaming the other person? He showed you who he was.’”

You know if a conservative confused Morrison and Angelou the left and media would brand them a racist.

I hear nothing but crickets right now.

[Featured image via YouTube and YouTube]

Tags: Chuck Todd, Trump Derangement Syndrome