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Biden: Of course I’d nominate Obama for Supreme Court “if he’d take it”

Biden: Of course I’d nominate Obama for Supreme Court “if he’d take it”

Nice way to motivate the base — the Republican base.

okay to use screen grab

Nice way to motivate the base — the Republican base.

Via NY Times reporter Thomas Kaplan:

Biden, in Washington, Iowa, is asked if he would nominate Obama to the Supreme Court. “If he’d take it, yes,” Biden says.


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Telegraphing your moves……..

I had thought that the biggest risk to Trump’s re-election was his own mouth. Biden does, however, seem to be the gift that keeps on giving. The thought of trading RBG for Obama would turn a lot of Independents off.

    Lanceman in reply to jb4. | December 28, 2019 at 7:06 pm

    That would ride on the Rethuglicans losing the Senate.

      Edward in reply to Lanceman. | December 29, 2019 at 6:30 am

      So Joe turning off independent voters by that campaign “promise” is dependent on the loss of the Senate majority. And how would those independent voters know the Senate majority had gone to the Socialist-Democrats when they go to the polls on 3 November 2020?

      I think you have a major problem with your ability to employ logic.

      Which, of course, will happen at the same time you finally get your brain.

You’d have to become the Democratic nominee first, Joe. I bet Hillary won’t take kindly to that notion.

I am an Independent and this motivates me to help get as many Trump votes as possible. Obama needs to be in GITMO for his crimes not on SCOTUS. Obama has never been a real lawyer. He just scammed the system to get in political office and make money off his ghost written books.

Don’t forget he taught a once-a-week seminar in Con Law. That definitely qualifies him for the job.