Baby Walt Update

The last several days have been the hardest I’ve faced; we’ve faced. Ever. Yet through it all, the Lord has been faithful in ways I never imagined possible.

Baby Walt was born November 24 via emergency c-section. Shortly after his birth, he was diagnosed with a rare heart condition and life lifted to Houston’s Medical Center where he’s been since.

The cardiologists believe surgery is inevitable, whether now or later. They’re working to get him stable enough to come home for a few months as he grows stronger before they work to repair his heart.

He continues to make a little progress every day and we continue to stand firm on God’s promises as we believe for his complete and total healing. Walt is already a blessing of immeasurable proportions.

This is going to be a process as they troubleshoot and find the right solution. Our challenge will be to keep our eyes on the Lord even when something they’ve tried didn’t work as they move to the next potential solution. It’s excruciating — being away from our baby who is being poked and prodded and unable to be by his side 24/7, but we are at peace and doing our best to take it one hospital shift at a time.

More than once, I’ve scrolled through the comments on the birth announcement post Professor Jacobson put together. Knowing so many in the Legal Insurrection family are praying for us and our family is wonderfully encouraging and humbling. We thank you for your prayers, truly and sincerely.

I’ve never experienced so much love, peace, and difficulty at once and remain deeply grateful for the people the Lord has placed in our lives. To everyone who has sent messages and said prayers for our family, we thank you and pray blessings and abundant favor upon you and your household. Our family and friends are incredible people who have made all of this bearable with their love, support, prayers, and compassion.

Our God is incredible. Faithful. And never, ever fails. That continues to be the consistent theme in Baby Walt’s first chapter. And his story has only just begun.

Tags: Baby Walt, Blogging