Baby Walt Update

It’s been over two weeks since I last provided an update on Baby Walt, our family’s newest addition.

Baby Walt was born November 24 via emergency c-section. Shortly after his birth, he was diagnosed with a rare heart condition and life lifted to Houston’s Medical Center where he’s been since.

It’s been less than a month, but it feels like a year has passed since Walt was born. Time has slowed to a snail’s pace, which is probably why Walt’s recovery, when placed in real time, is nothing short of amazing.

About a week and a half ago, Walt had surgery to treat patent ductus arteriosus and repair the right atrium, both of which were exacerbated by his heart condition. Since then, we’ve been spared (he’s been spared) any further instance of literal life-threatening scare.

According to his surgeon, who is a rock star, surgery could not have gone better, so well did it go, that they were able to go ahead and do a little repair work on his heart meaning surgery later is not the inevitability they once believed. As wonderful and gifted as the surgeon is, we’re hopeful we will not have to see him for a very, very long time. Ideally, never. We are grateful Walt has received what is truly incredible medical care by some of the absolute best, most skilled individuals in the field. We recognize that’s not an accident.

Since surgery, Walt has improved a little bit (a lot bit, actually) every day. His little lungs had to figure out the breathing thing. Thursday was the first day Walt was breathing completely on his own without the help or assistance of machines of any kind, and he’s doing great. He’s still trying to figure out the eating thing so his last remaining tube is pumping milk into his little tummy. If he’s anything like the rest of our crew, he’ll get the eating thing down soon and will be forever hungry and in want of a snack or as our three-year-old says, “nack”.

Over the last week, we’ve watched as one by one machines were moved out of his hospital room, medicines were no longer fed through his scalp IV, and sensors, lines, and tubes were removed. We also heard Walt cry. Finally. You never think you’ll pray to hear your baby cry.

The entire process has been amazing, excruciating, draining, and life changing. None of us will ever be the same. In good ways. Yet through it all, the Lord has been faithful in ways I never imagined possible.

I have never seen nor experienced such an outpouring of genuine love and care at any other point in life, neither have I ever seen the body of Christ work in concert and community as it has in our situation. People, lots of people, many whom we’ve never met, all over the world have been diligent to pray for our son and our family.

We are humbled, strengthened, and grateful beyond words for the prayers lifted for our little man and little family. We’re also confident there is no way we would be able to keep moving forward and find stability during the hard days if not for your prayers. Every message, every email, every post, and every prayer have been felt and appreciated, whole heartedly.

We continue to stand firm on God’s promises and His Word as we believe for complete and total healing for Walt. Every step of the way the Lord has been faithful. Even in the smallest ways. Nothing is too small for Him, after all.

We’re tired, but not defeated. Worn out, but at peace. And anxious to get our baby home with us. But all in good time. His time. Walt is a strong little man and a fighter.

God has heard our (and your) prayers and answered. His mercy, grace, goodness, and faithfulness are evident every single day. They are forever part of Walt’s story and our family’s.

I’ve read through comments on the last two posts about Walt many times. They have given me hope and life when I needed them most. Thank you for caring for, loving on, and praying for my family.

The Legal Insurrection family is truly that and I’m so thankful for each of you, staff and readers alike.

Tags: Baby Walt, Blogging