The last several days have been the hardest I’ve faced; we’ve faced. Ever. Yet through it all, the Lord has been faithful in ways I never imagined possible.
Baby Walt was born November 24 via emergency c-section. Shortly after his birth, he was diagnosed with a rare heart condition and life lifted to Houston’s Medical Center where he’s been since.
The cardiologists believe surgery is inevitable, whether now or later. They’re working to get him stable enough to come home for a few months as he grows stronger before they work to repair his heart.
He continues to make a little progress every day and we continue to stand firm on God’s promises as we believe for his complete and total healing. Walt is already a blessing of immeasurable proportions.
This is going to be a process as they troubleshoot and find the right solution. Our challenge will be to keep our eyes on the Lord even when something they’ve tried didn’t work as they move to the next potential solution. It’s excruciating — being away from our baby who is being poked and prodded and unable to be by his side 24/7, but we are at peace and doing our best to take it one hospital shift at a time.
More than once, I’ve scrolled through the comments on the birth announcement post Professor Jacobson put together. Knowing so many in the Legal Insurrection family are praying for us and our family is wonderfully encouraging and humbling. We thank you for your prayers, truly and sincerely.
I’ve never experienced so much love, peace, and difficulty at once and remain deeply grateful for the people the Lord has placed in our lives. To everyone who has sent messages and said prayers for our family, we thank you and pray blessings and abundant favor upon you and your household. Our family and friends are incredible people who have made all of this bearable with their love, support, prayers, and compassion.
Our God is incredible. Faithful. And never, ever fails. That continues to be the consistent theme in Baby Walt’s first chapter. And his story has only just begun.

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My best friend as a child was born with a serious heart defect and wasn’t expect to survive. I don’t know whether it’s the same condition that Walt has but this was back in the early-mid 1950s when we didn’t have the level of knowledge, skill and technology that is available today. My friend grew up normal. Very active in sports too.
I only learned of this when I asked him about a scar on his chest and his father told us about it. Today he is happily married with two daughters and a few grandchildren. This is why I have St Jude’s hospital in my will for most of whatever is left when I check out. People really do care. Don’t lose hope.
continuing to pray for healing for Baby Walt, and lifting up you, your husband and the doctors. May you continue to experience the Lord’s presence in the midst of this difficulty
Thank you for sharing this update. It is awe inspiring to read of your deep faith in this most difficult time. Walt is such a beautiful baby! He is in out prayers in the coming days, weeks and months.
Thank you for sharing. You and your family have been given a beautiful gift, one to cherish and care for. Little Walter is with you because in God’s wisdom this little guy is with a family who has the faith and support of prayer to have the best outcomes that are available. Please take time to care for yourself that you are able to continue to stay on the road to Baby Walter’s healing. This is my prayer I render for you.
Kemberlee, thank you for taking the time to bring us all up to date on little Walt. Prayers for Walt, you and your family! It’s been great to read and reflect on your post.
Stay strong. All will be well.
I believe that your touch on him will be almost as effective as what the doctors and nurses do.
You and hubby holding, caressing, and talking to him while he lays there is so important.
God Bless You.
We will exchange baby pictures in a year or so when our babies are one.
I just said another prayer for you and baby Walt. It’s actually really encouraging for me to read through comments from real people of faith saying prayers in faith for strength, successful surgery, and long life of service. I don’t know you or any of my fellow commenters, but we share a faith in God to see this successfully through….and that’s awesome. Sure, there are people out there that throw out a comment regarding thoughts and prayers, but rest assured there are many many others that say real prayers and have real thoughts toward you and your family. Hang tough, everyone!
Father strengthen baby Walt and guide the surgeons hands to restore him back to health. In the name of your son Jesus I pray. Amen.
Kemberlee-You have a beautiful baby that will be the joy of your life. You are all im my prayers.
God has a plan for you. Trust Him. Be at peace no matter what.
I didn’t respond on the original thread as I didn’t want to be uninspiring.
I’m the father of a premi- who was 6 weeks early who was the result of about $100k worth of IVF. She spent a week in the NICU and was revived at least once. She has prospered and will be 8 this winter.
Another girl was born the same month with a heart condition and died at the age of 2.
I can’t speak to God’s plan. Questioning it does no good. All you can do is all you can do. In the end, trust is all you have after that.
Be at Peace and grateful for blessings.
Hoping and praying that all will be well with baby Walt.
The Federalist had an article on having a baby in NICU – https://thefederalist.com/2019/12/02/10-reflections-from-a-first-time-nicu-mom/ .
As home to pioneering heart surgeons Michael DeBakey and Denton Cooley, Houston is the right place to be. May the Lord guide the surgeons entrusted with your son’s care.
Thank you for the update. My wife and I remember you, Walt and your family daily in our prayers. We have a powerful God and He answers our prayers.
Go Walt!
Many prayers and positive vibes to little Walt and family.
Parents pushing for the healing of a child is a family tradition that dates at least back to a Roman centurion who pestered a Jewish faith healer on behalf of his daughter.
You are in good company, and so is your medical team. Heart surgery on infants and children have led to a lot of adults with grandchildren, now. So, my dear, your timing and location is good. Push your medical team. Ask them about every little thing they or you can do to stack the odds in your little boy’s favor.
We’ll add our prayers.
My youngest daughter was admitted to Children’s hospital when she was 8 or 9 days old with weight loss, fever and dehydration. A week of testing and several spinal taps the doctors could not determine what was wrong with her and she was not responding do broad-spectrum antibiotics. Finally the doctor prepared us to lose her. Polite prayers weren’t working obviously and I drove home and completely lost my s*** with God. I screamed at Him and called Him names, finally falling asleep in exhaustion. I expected to go to the hospital the next day to say goodbye.
Instead I found a healthy pink skinned bright eyed little girl who recognized her daddy and smiled.
I think that may have been my first emotionally honest prayer. I still can’t remember that story without getting choked up. Ours is an awesome powerful God and merciful beyond imagination. God be with you Kemberlee, little Walter and family.
Kimberley, I was just in the area earlier today at a dr.’s appt. Thinking about and praying for all of you. TCH is an amazing place and even 40 years ago had one of the best pediatric heart surgeons in the country, Dr. McNamara. Four decades later, the techniques and tools have improved and many of the skilled doctors were trained by this fine man. Put your faith in God and your trust in the professionals at TCH and use ALL of the resources they have to offer you and your family. May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
The Texas Medical Center is the best place in the world for Baby Walt. There are no lack of experts in any medical field there is inside the TMC. Take heart: following God, he’s in the Best of Hands.
I just returned home with my mother. She has been receiving radiation and chemo at MD Anderson, probably not far from where Walt is. The best doctor in the world for the kind of cancer she is fighting has been very happy with the results: that tumor has gone down. Way down. In fact, today was her last weekly checkup with him. She finished chemo last Wednesday (Needless to say, we had to order our Thanksgiving meal instead of cooking it ourselves): her last radiation appointment is tomorrow. After this, she’s returning home. He told her today, “I’ll see you in February or March.”
She’s exhausted with all those appointments, but is definitely happy.
We have a camp called Northstar Reach in my area. I know a little girl who had a heart transplant at 5 days.
She loves going to this camp. The scars that might be embarrassing at regular areas are nothing of interest in the camps.
Walt might just enjoy camp when he gets older. No cost to the kids parents. And ask about the No Hands Spaghetti dinner.
We are a peculiar people. We have made a covenant with the MOST HIGH.
I will pray and remind him that this is his child too. He was born under the covenant. I will continue to pray and remind our master of that.
God bless baby Walt and his family.
I pray daily for Walt.
Love is amazing and wonderful, Your love God’s love LOVE
Thank you for taking the time to update us.
We all care and will continue to pray.
God has placed you and Walt in the best city and hospital in the world for babies with heart defects and is watching over you both and your family. Miracles do occur there every single day. Please know that we are all praying for a complete and uneventful recovery for Walt and for grace and strength for you and your husband. I hope that someone in your family has contacted your church and the members have set up a meal and care delivery schedule for you, your husband, and your girls.