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U. Washington Revokes Club Status for College Republicans

U. Washington Revokes Club Status for College Republicans

“over a series of controversies”

The weirdest part of this story is that this was done with the help of the College Republican National Committee, which was angry at this group for holding an Affirmative Action bake sale.

Breitbart reports:

University of Washington Revokes Club Status from College Republicans

The University of Washington has revoked the official club status of its College Republicans chapter in response to student protests and a request from the College Republican National Committee.

According to a report by the Seattle Times, the University of Washington has revoked official club status from its College Republicans chapter over a series of controversies. Pressure to revoke the club’s status came from both leftist student activists and leaders of the College Republican National Committee.

The group was criticized last year for organizing an “affirmative action bake sale,” a popular campus activism event that offers baked goods for sale at different prices that are based on the purchaser’s race and gender. Such bake sales are designed to show how unfair and outrageous affirmative action policies are.

The College Republican National Committee’s National Chairman Chandler Thornton claims that the organization revoked the University of Washington chapter’s charter in 2018. Thornton claims that they cut ties with the UW chapter over “hurtful” or “inappropriate” speech that violates the committee’s policies.

“We will have nothing to do with this unauthorized group as it is the policy of the CRNC that campuses be free from hurtful or inappropriate speech and be a forum for safe, lively, and diverse opinions being expressed from every corner of America,” Thornton wrote on October 23.


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I can see why the horror. Selling sugary things to induce diabetes and cause morbidity and early death by charging less would be evil.

Barry Soetoro | November 3, 2019 at 1:34 am

The CRNC proves it is inextricably linked to the dysfunctional GOPe.

So much for College Republican clubs. If they step out of Bush/Ryan mold, the national turns them in.

free from hurtful or inappropriate speech and be a forum for safe, lively, and diverse opinions

It doesn’t work that way. Safe; lively; diverse—pick two.

“The College Republican National Committee’s National Chairman Chandler Thornton claims that the organization revoked the University of Washington chapter’s charter in 2018. Thornton claims that they cut ties with the UW chapter over “hurtful” or “inappropriate” speech that violates the committee’s policies.”

Having someone with the first name Chandler was the NRC’s first mistake.

Define the truth as hurtful and that will be the end of truth for them.

Operation Downfall | November 3, 2019 at 3:20 pm

The College Republican National Committee sounds more like a youthful appendage of the UniParty.



They should reorganize under the name College Team Red and flip the bird to the College Republican National Committee.

Romneyites got to them.