Trump Tells Reporters He Doesn’t Want Public Impeachment Hearings, Calls Whistleblower a ‘Disgrace’

President Donald Trump gave an impromptu press conference on the White House lawn.

He touched on many subjects, including the impeachment inquiry, the whistleblower, Russia’s May Day parade, and Michael Bloomberg entering the presidential race.

Impeachment Inquiry

Trump described the whistleblower as a “disgrace” and wants him outed. He also thinks the whistleblower’s lawyer Mark Zaid “should be sued, and maybe for treason.”

Zaid tweeted about impeaching Trump back in 2017.

Trump demanded Congress not to hold public impeachment hearings. He called it a “hoax” and compared it to “the Russian witch hunt.” He’s also “not concerned” about any of the testimonies given to Congress.

When asked about US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, Trump said he hardly knows “the gentleman.” Sondland recently changed his testimony to Congress, saying there was a quid pro quo for Ukraine aid.

Sondland donated $1 million to Trump’s inauguration. Trump spoke highly of him only a month ago.

Michael Bloomberg

Yesterday news came out that former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg started the first steps to enter the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.

Trump said he “welcomed the chance to run against” Bloomberg. Trump claimed Bloomberg “doesn’t have the magic to do well,” but will “spend a lot of money.”

Overall, Trump thinks “Little Michael will fail.”

Russia’s May Day Parade

This part bothers me. I know Trump did not collude with Russia, but Russian President Vladimir Putin is no friend to America or anything that we stand for.

Putin invited Trump to Russia’s May Day parade, which celebrates Russia’s defeat of Nazi Germany.

Trump said “he’s considering accepting” the invitation.

No, do not go. We only allied ourselves with Josef Stalin because Hitler betrayed him and we knew we needed more strength on the Eastern front.

I’m hoping he said it to troll the media and the left. I really do.

Here is the full press conference:

Tags: Trump Impeachment, Trump Press Relations, Trump Russia, Trump Ukraine