Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Widow to Seek His Congressional Seat
Just what America needs… another political dynasty

Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, the widow of Rep. Elijah Cummings who passed away last month, announced she’ll be running for his Congressional seat.
Cummings serves as the Maryland Democratic Party Chairwoman.
From The Baltimore Sun:
Maryland Democratic Party Chairwoman Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, the widow of U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, is running for her husband’s seat, arguing Monday she is the best option to carry out his legacy and continue his vision.
“I am, of course, devastated at the loss of my spouse, but his spirit is with me,” Rockeymoore Cummings, 48, said in an interview with The Baltimore Sun. “I’m going to run this race and I’m going to run it hard, as if he’s still right here by my side.”
Cummings, who had cancer, died Oct. 17 after serving more than two decades in Congress. He left a record of fighting for the needy and battling the administration of Republican President Donald Trump.
Rockeymoore Cummings, a public policy consultant who is founder of the Washington consulting firm Global Policy Solutions LLC and a former 2018 candidate for governor, said her husband told her months before he died he would like for her to succeed him.
“That was a discussion we had some months ago,” she said. “In the end, he was conflicted about whether he should resign or stay in office. We thought there might be a turnaround. It didn’t happen.”
Rockeymoore Cummings plans to kick off her campaign Tuesday at her home office in Baltimore’s Madison Park neighborhood. She said she will focus on issues important to the late congressman, such as battling the opioid crisis and “fighting for the soul of our democracy” against the Trump administration, but also on her areas of expertise, which include health and education policy.

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Sure because no skill or experience is necessary to be effective. Just ask Hunter Biden.
And, shockingly, she has a political consulting firm in the heart of the swamp.
Might it be that with the death of her hubby, the consulting business is about to dry up?
It’s sad to see a young person like you who is so cynical.
It’s the Second Cummings!
“And what Rough Beast, it’s hour come round at last, Slouches towards Baltimore to be born?”
I’m too old for that.
“Once a king always a king, but once a night is enough.”
one thing is certain. she can’t possibly do a worse job.
Great…. now you’ve given her a goal to aim for………
Or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Or Ilhan Omar
Or Rashida Tlaib
Or Aynnna Pressley
Her campaign slogan, “Keep the griftin’ alive”
Keeping the grifting in the same family you’re used to!
I’d like to think the voters will be smart enough not to vote for her, but these are the same voters that kept Elijah Cummings in office for more than 20 years.
I really think we need a Constitutional amendment that family can’t run for your political office in the event you die while in office. At least for one complete term of office. Then they can run.
We can restrict it to children and spouses, I think, and eliminate the more grotesque stuff.
(How do we handle divorces? Is there a “mourning period” before the ex- can run?)
It’s the Baltimore District…she’s in like sin.
He certainly married up…..
She looks more like his DAUGHTER than his wife … just sayin’.
gotta kept the graft alive, so she can continue to live in the style she is accustomed to.
Her husband did so much over the years to lift up the people of Baltimore why wouldn’t they vote for her?
She’ll not be running to clean up the neighborhoods she won’t be living in.
She has already been offered a room at Maxine Waters’s place in Hancock Park.
She doesn’t want to lose her seat on the Gravy Train.
Her district is unlikely to send anyone better i am sorry to say.
She has the welfare collector’s vote.
She is hoping the constituents are SO stupid that they will think they are voting for him. Otherwise, she us totally unqualified other than having been married to such a despicable member of Congress.
But they do represent their constituent’s interests. The problem is that their constituent’s interests aren’t representative of civilized human beings. The Wire was a documentary.
She’s the one that ran the scam with her consulting company and her charity to enrich herself by selling her husband’s influence. She’s guaranteed to help get Baltimore one of the worst places to live in the US.
looks like her ten year investment/marriage is finally panning out
Sorry Kemberlee, but you strike out on this one. In a district like Baltimore, it really doesn’t matter who the candidate is. If not Mrs. Cummings, then it will be some other black radical.
Besides, it really isn’t all that uncommon for a widow to succeed her late husband in a House seat. Republicans (including me) had no objection to Mary Bono taking over Sonny’s seat when he was killed in a skiing accident.
It being common doesn’t make it any more appropriate. The last thing we should have in a free republic is political dynasties. There’s over 600,000 people in Baltimore. Surely they can find someone not directly related to the old goat to run?
(People being in office for 50 years also isn’t uncommon. It’s also generally grotesque and anti-republican.)
Gerrymandered MD-7 [look at the map of it] to be Black, Urban, on Welfare and poverty stricken; it is going to vote for a Black Democrat until it is wiped out by the Plague [and they do have the rat infestation for it]. She is going to win, assuming elections next November.
Subotai Bahadur
There’s a long tradition in the USA of politicians’ widows succeeding their husbands. It’s far too late to complain about it now.
Folks aren’t now starting to complain, they’re continuing a centuries long complaint.
Far from the first time in either party.
I guess the cleanup crew missed this piece of trash! My God, Congress can’t go much lower but if she gets elected or appointed the bottom will be near.
Maya Cummings is the perfect black Democrat politician. Corrupt and dishonest she will continue to uphold Elijah Cummings tradition of ignoring his rat infested district to spew lies in Congress while collecting graft.
Ain’t Congress great?
You took the words out of my mouth…
Go get a REAL job.
“His spirit is with her!”?
And the voters who live among the rats and garbage will vote for the widow of the man who did nothing about the rats and garbage. You can’t help people that foolish.
Guess she feels the pension’s not a “liveable wage” without the kickbacks