Former Texas Representative Robert O’Rourke has decided to drop out of the 2020 presidential race. From The New York Times:
Mr. O’Rourke made the decision to quit the race in the middle of this week, on the eve of a gathering Friday of Democratic presidential candidates in Iowa, according to people familiar with his thinking. He is not expected to run for any other office in 2020, despite persistent efforts by party leaders and political donors to coax him into another bid for the Senate.His campaign has been under extreme financial strain, and Mr. O’Rourke’s advisers concluded that proceeding in the race might have meant making deep cuts to his staff in order to pay for advertising and other measures to compete in the early primary and caucus state.
The New York Times reported O’Rourke planned the announcement this evening while in Iowa. He will send out an email to supporters afterward.
O’Rourke has moved far left to many issues, especially gun control. He doubled and triple downed on his stance of forced confiscation of so-called military-style weapons.
“Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15,” O’Rourke declared at the September debate.
The suggestion only gave him a one percent jump in the polls to 4%.
His fellow Democrats laughed at the ludicrous idea. Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) told his party they should not take this tone since the right will use these soundbites at Second Amendment rallies.
Coons also told CNN that he did not support O’Rourke’s pledge. He believes the majority of people in Congress don’t like it either.
O’Rourke received more criticism from both sides when he said he wanted to strip churches of their tax-exempt status if they did not support same-sex marriage.
He made that declaration at the October debate. Guess what? It did not help his polling numbers. He only polled 2% nationally.
Like the rest of the left, O’Rourke wanted to throw money at other problems like $5 trillion to fight climate change or $500 billion to address something called “education inequality.”
Trump responded: