Feminist Group at Portland State University Bars White People From Weekly Meeting
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Feminist Group at Portland State University Bars White People From Weekly Meeting

Feminist Group at Portland State University Bars White People From Weekly Meeting

“This is a space soley [sic] for people of color.”

This is a public school. How can this even be legal?

The College Fix reports:

Public university bans whites from weekly ‘feminist’ gathering

Do you want to learn about feminism from nonwhites? If you’re at Portland State University, that may be a challenge.

A group known as the “Feminists of Color Collective” explicitly excludes whites from its weekly gatherings in the Women’s Resource Center, as documented by a flyer tweeted by PSU Prof. Peter Boghossian late Tuesday.

Boghossian is known nationally for the “grievance studies” project that got hoax academic papers published in respected academic journals, leading to repercussions against the professor by the administration.

The flyer misspells “solely” and also gets the collective’s name wrong in one place:

The Feminist [sic] of Color Collective is a space for students of color on PSU’s campus to gather in community through story-telling [sic], connection, and exploring dialogue of feminist possibilities.

This work is done by deepening understandings of feminist of color theories, expanding feminist praxis, self-reflection and building relationships with peers of color.

This is a space soley [sic] for people of color. All genders welcome.


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Who decides who is white and who is a person of color? The KKK and Neo-Nazi groups do not think that I am white, but many lefties do. So can I attend this “space”? (Not that I want to!)

What do we want?
When do we want it?

If this is a publicly funded school and this group receives funds from the university, I think they are violating the law concerning exclusion of people based on race and sex.

Couldn’t we have a feminist group made up of girls with great bodies, nice legs and feminine features for a change? Or is that a little to normal?

    JLSpeidel in reply to puhiawa. | November 22, 2019 at 9:33 am

    They wouldn’t be feminists then. Men would like them and they wouldn’t need to be harping gripes.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to puhiawa. | November 22, 2019 at 10:18 pm

    Beautiful women, or even ones merely pretty, don’t need such nonsense.

    Plain women or unattractive ones who still possess confidence and poise, also not need such nonsense.