Extinction Rebellion Activists Take Over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Office

The climate cult Extinction Rebellion protested fossil fuels in the Middle East the last time we checked on them.

Now, the activists have stormed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s office to mark the beginning of a hunger strike.

Roughly a dozen strikers with Extinction Rebellion are taking part in a global climate hunger strike that nearly 300 people have pledged to join.They say the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, is holding back progress, so they are targeting her instead of top Republicans. They are demanding that she meet with them for an hour on camera before they call off their hunger strike.“Every day the evidence piles up at your desk, but you have yet to pass even symbolic legislation recognizing the climate crisis as a national emergency. With all due respect, you have failed,” the group said in a letter to Pelosi.

Here are some videos so you can enjoy the experience of a Karma visit.

Of course, not everyone appreciates the finesse of these particular protests.

Meanwhile, in Great Britain, the activists demanded to meet with candidates ahead of the new elections in December. They have planned even more disruptions ahead of the #Brexit vote.

In the UK, the protest comes ahead of a snap election, scheduled to take place on December 12. Following a two-week protest in London in October, activists plan to launch another series of disruptive actions ahead of the poll, in a bid to put the climate emergency on the agenda in a Brexit-dominated election….Last week, protesters in the UK hand-delivered letters to the headquarters of the seven parties contesting the election, asking for a meeting with party leaders to discuss – on camera – the movement’s demands, which they would like to see enshrined into law. These include setting a target for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, and setting up a citizens’ assembly to lead decisions on climate change.

Perhaps they really should have held this protest in Eric Swalwell’s office as he is the most egregious natural-gas emitter in Congress.

Tags: Climate Change, Nancy Pelosi