Elizabeth Banks Blames Sexism for the Failure of Her Charlie’s Angels Reboot

When you cannot accept the fact that your product sucks, pick a card! Any card!

Elizabeth Banks drew the sexism card. She claims her Charlie’s Angels reboot bombed at the box office because “men don’t go see women do action movies.”

Oh, sweet summer child. Oh, darling.

Banks put all her effort into this film as she “wrote, produced, directed, and starred as Bosley” in this film. But it only grossed $8.6 million across the country on a $48 million budget. It opened this past Friday.

Captain Marvel earned $1.1 billion in 2019. Wonder Woman brought in $821 million in 2017.

Banks had an excuse for that:

“They’ll go and see a comic book movie with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel because that’s a male genre,” Banks explained. “So even though those are movies about women, they put them in the context of feeding the larger comic book world, so it’s all about, yes, you’re watching a Wonder Woman movie but we’re setting up three other characters or we’re setting up ‘Justice League.’”“By the way, I’m happy for those characters to have box office success, but we need more women’s voices supported with money because that’s the power. The power is in the money.”

Or maybe people did not want a reboot of Charlie’s Angels? Or maybe your product is just THAT bad?

In 2000, the Charlie’s Angels movie with Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, and Lucy Liu made $40 million in its opening weekend.

The sequel Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle made $37 million in its opening weekend in 2003.

Um, how about the female movie critics who did not like your movie?

I’m guessing the movie is not fun because Banks doused it with feminism. I mean, Inkoo Kang at Slate admitted that feminism in this version made her “miss the sleazy camp of the old ones.” It looks like Banks concentrated too much on the girl power message that she forgot to have fun.

Kang described the movie as “a checklist of topics from the feminist discourse of the past few years.” Alison Willmore at Vulture agreed in her review, but said the characters received “a girl-power makeover so desultory that you could fill out a bingo card with it.”

Stephanie Zacharek at Time: “But the new Charlie’s Angels, written and directed by Elizabeth Banks (working from a story by Evan Spiliotopoulos and David Auburn), is a shaggy, listless action movie that’s too messy to be fun: It spends so much time advertising how glitzy and sparkly it thinks it is that it comes to resemble a migraine aura.”

There are more female movie critics who hated this film, but I value my brain cells. I didn’t want to read more about this movie.

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: Culture, Hollywood