Editorial Raises Alarm on Left-Wing Politics of American College Students

The editors of the New York Post are worried about America’s future and they have a point:

College kids’ hard left turn means trouble ahead for AmericaIf college kids’ political views are a clue to the nation’s future, America is headed over a left-wing cliff.Consider: A recent Chegg/College Pulse poll found 69% of students say they’d vote for a Democrat in 2020, while just 23% back President Trump. Yet for voters of all ages, recent RealClearPolitics poll averages put the president within 7 points of the top Dems (Joe Biden, Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders).Among kids who lean Democratic, Chegg found, more than half back Sanders (28%) or Warren (30%) — the two left-most wannabes.Sanders is also the top choice among Democratic and independent undergrads, with 22%, in a McLaughlin poll for Yale’s William F. Buckley Jr. Program. That survey highlighted other eye-opening trends: College kids back the Green New Deal 2-1, and two-thirds want Medicare for All.And get this: The Yale study says 32% of college kids believe it’s sometimes OK to “shout down” campus speakers, and 31% are actually OK using “physical violence” to stamp out “hate speech” or “racially charged language.” The dangers there are obvious: Who decides what speech deserves to be silenced, even perhaps with violence? And what kind of society are we headed for when that kind of thinking becomes so prevalent?

Tags: College Insurrection, Progressives