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Editorial Raises Alarm on Left-Wing Politics of American College Students

Editorial Raises Alarm on Left-Wing Politics of American College Students

“Who decides what speech deserves to be silenced, even perhaps with violence?”

The editors of the New York Post are worried about America’s future and they have a point:

College kids’ hard left turn means trouble ahead for America

If college kids’ political views are a clue to the nation’s future, America is headed over a left-wing cliff.

Consider: A recent Chegg/College Pulse poll found 69% of students say they’d vote for a Democrat in 2020, while just 23% back President Trump. Yet for voters of all ages, recent RealClearPolitics poll averages put the president within 7 points of the top Dems (Joe Biden, Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders).

Among kids who lean Democratic, Chegg found, more than half back Sanders (28%) or Warren (30%) — the two left-most wannabes.

Sanders is also the top choice among Democratic and independent undergrads, with 22%, in a McLaughlin poll for Yale’s William F. Buckley Jr. Program. That survey highlighted other eye-opening trends: College kids back the Green New Deal 2-1, and two-thirds want Medicare for All.

And get this: The Yale study says 32% of college kids believe it’s sometimes OK to “shout down” campus speakers, and 31% are actually OK using “physical violence” to stamp out “hate speech” or “racially charged language.” The dangers there are obvious: Who decides what speech deserves to be silenced, even perhaps with violence? And what kind of society are we headed for when that kind of thinking becomes so prevalent?


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I think the quote attributed to Winston Churchill was correct: “If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain”. College students have _always_ been liberal because they’ve always had everything given to them.