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AOC Slams Pete Buttigieg for ‘GOP Talking Point’ on Free College

AOC Slams Pete Buttigieg for ‘GOP Talking Point’ on Free College

“This is a GOP talking point used to dismantled public systems, & it’s sad to see a Dem candidate adopt it”

Buttigieg is trying to stake out a moderate position on this issue. That’s not acceptable to Ocasio-Cortez.

The New York Post reports:

AOC rips Buttigieg for using ‘GOP talking point’ about free college

US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasted democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg on Twitter on Thursday for hedging about tuition-free public college for all.

Buttigieg — the mayor of South Bend, Indiana — said in an Iowa ad campaign that he wants to make college more affordable for everyone. Still, “there are some voices saying, ‘Well that doesn’t count unless you go even further, unless it’s free even for the kids of millionaires,’ but I only want to make promises that we can keep,” Buttigieg said, according to a Politico reporter’s Tweet.

“We can gather the majority to drive those big ideas through without turning off half the country before we even get into office,” Buttigieg said.

AOC, a Democratic socialist who reps parts of Bronx and Queens, fired back in a tweet “This is a GOP talking point used to dismantled public systems, & it’s sad to see a Dem candidate adopt it,” according to a Business Insider report.

“Just like rich kids can attend public school, they should be able to attend tuition-free public college,” the freshman lawmaker said.


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Free tuition will work if the tenured professors will teach pro bono.

Buttigieg is nothing if not pro bono.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to MajorWood. | December 2, 2019 at 9:06 pm

    But but but…..

    AOC is a pro also……

    Pity she never got a “college education.”
    “……Bartender theft is a huge topic that people inquire about. Even by the thieves themselves. Sound funny? Well, if you watch a crime show and they show you how to catch a criminal, what if a criminal is watching? It’s like going to school and …..”

Suddenly, AOC cares about access to free education for millionaires and their kids. Who’s shifting with the winds? I guess that’s easy to do when you are divorced from reality. Eat any good airport croissants, lately?

BiteYourTongue | December 1, 2019 at 1:43 am

AOC is trying to pull the wool over the sheep’s eyes. Claiming this is a public good, like fire fighters and policemen. I can call a firefighter or policeman if I’m in trouble, that’s a benefit to me and the community. I certainly can’t call a college graduate for help. They are in college to benefit themselves for better wages when they start working. That is not a public benefit, that is a personal benefit. So, yes AOC is asking for freebies, at the expense of the taxpayer.

AOC is alluding to the fact that she — from a rich family — thinks she should’ve been able to attend college for free, instead of paying tuition as she was “forced“ to.