Activists at Brown University Discuss Plan to Eliminate Prisons in America

When people entertain ideas like this, they should be told that they are not serious people. This is ridiculous.

What are you going to do with violent criminals? Send them to the safe space?

The College Fix reports:

Brown University activists discuss eliminating the nation’s prisonsLast Wednesday, members of the student activist group RailRoad held a confab at Brown University to discuss the eventual dismantling of the country’s prisons.According to its Facebook page, RailRoad seeks “a world where the Prison Industrial Complex in all of its forms has been destroyed and built in its place are systems of accountability that allow for healing and growth.”Some members of the group say mere prison reform is “insufficient,” The Brown Daily Herald reports.Student Grace Austin said “The end goal is to not have prisons as any form of incarceration” because “punishment at any stage doesn’t guarantee any kind of growth.”RailRoad member Aida Sherif added that “prisons were founded in the ideas of punishing the poor, punishing people of color.” Sherif believes American society “is constructed in a way” that people believe prisons are a necessary thing … that it is “crazy, unreasonable [and] dangerous” to do away with them.“Abolition is not anarchy,” she said.

Tags: Brown University, College Insurrection