Trump’s Digital Team Brings Their A-Game to Biden Ukraine Fight
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Trump’s Digital Team Brings Their A-Game to Biden Ukraine Fight

Trump’s Digital Team Brings Their A-Game to Biden Ukraine Fight

“edited music video Wednesday featuring a photograph of former Vice President Joe and his son, Hunter Biden, alongside an executive from a Ukrainian gas company”

President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed drives the left insane, while many people on the right often find it entertaining. One thing is sure, whoever Trump has on his digital team deserves a raise for his recent Biden tweet.

The tweet includes a photo of Joe and Hunter Biden with a Ukrainian gas executive. The image has been spliced into a music video from the band Nickelback.

Phillip Nieto reports at the Daily Caller:

Trump Tweets Out Nickelback Music Video Spoof

President Donald Trump tweeted out an edited music video Wednesday featuring a photograph of former Vice President Joe and his son, Hunter Biden, alongside an executive from a Ukrainian gas company.

The music video was from the song “Photograph” by the Canadian rock band “Nickelback.” Trumped tweeted out the video with the caption, “LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH!”

Here’s the tweet:

(If video doesn’t play, watch it here)

Trump tweeted that on Wednesday afternoon and by Wednesday night, the video had been viewed almost 8 million times.

The photo of the Bidens with the Ukraine executive was obtained by Tucker Carlson, who shared it on his show two nights ago.

Gregg Re reported at FOX News:

Joe, Hunter Biden seen golfing with Ukraine gas company exec back in 2014, photo shows

A photo obtained by Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” shows former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter golfing in the Hamptons with Devon Archer, who served on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings with Hunter.

Earlier this month, Joe Biden told Fox News in Iowa that he never discussed his son’s foreign business dealings with him.

“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden said, pointing the finger at President Trump. “I know Trump deserves to be investigated. He is violating every basic norm of a president. You should be asking him why is he on the phone with a foreign leader, trying to intimidate a foreign leader. You should be looking at Trump.”

Hunter Biden told The New Yorker previously that he and his father had spoken “just once” about Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine.

A source close to Archer told Fox News the photo was taken in August 2014.

You can watch the segment below:

Every time a TV talking head says there’s nothing to this Biden story, Americans across the country laugh, and they should. As Peter Schweizer points out in the video, we all know how differently they would be treating this story if it was about Donald Trump Jr.

[Featured image via Trump tweet.]

UPDATE 10-3-2019 (by WAJ)

Well, that didn’t last long. Twitter disabled the video due to a copyright claim, presumably by Nickelback or the owner of the Nickelback song. But not until it had over 12 million views and almost 115,ooo retweets. It still plays (as of now) in the embedded version above.

Here’s a photo sequence from the video:

But like the Streisand Effect, the video is still spreading.


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Left or right….Zulu gotta admit the President and his team are showmen.

Left or right, YOU gotta admit the President and his team are showmen!

Twitter removed the video. Figures…

Comanche Voter | October 3, 2019 at 8:07 am

Joe, you’re asking me to believe that nobody ever discusses business during a round of golf? Joe you’re getting to be the home of the whopper!

2smartforlibs | October 3, 2019 at 8:16 am

That’s just what the country needs right now. something lol at. This isnt sarcastic, ther rhetoric is off the charts.

He is violating every basic norm of a president.

“Basic norm” again? Pretty generic fluff. His handlers aren’t trusting Slow Joe to make a political attack and chew gum at the same time.

LOL, brilliant!

Biden is not only truth challenged, he’s dumber than a brick.

Trump’s Digital Team Brings Their A-Game to Biden Ukraine Fight

That’s funny. The “A-Team” had their video taken down for copyright infringement.

And the video ends with the lyrics “and what the hell is on Joey’s head”. It’s a meaningless shot, I suppose, at Joe Biden, but I still find it funny. Humiliations galore.

buckeyeminuteman | October 3, 2019 at 1:22 pm

Look up “Look at this Instagram” on youtube. It’s absolutely hilarious and mocks millenials to a T.

The lyrics of the song are perfect!

“Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
How did our eyes get so red?
And what the hell is on Joey’s head?”

Trolling to the max!

AlexanderYpsilantis | October 6, 2019 at 10:06 am

Biden is a chronic, compulsive and habitual LIAR. And he’s not to smart, either.