Trump Booed, Greeted With Chants of “Lock Him Up!” at World Series Game 5

President Trump attended Game 5 of the World Series, held at the Washington Nationals’ ball park. When Trump was shown on the park’s big screen, locals booed and chanted “lock him up!”

More from The Baltimore Sun:

President Donald Trump was met with loud, sustained boos and chants of “Lock him up!” from fans at Nationals Park when he was shown on the in-stadium video screen after the third inning of Game 5.The boos ended only after the video screen cut to a shot of U.S. service members waving to the crowd and then showed a message thanking the military. Trump is attending the game with five wounded veterans.

Leave it to the DC crowd to politicize one of the most American, least political national sports in existence.

The Babylon Bee is savage:

Nationals Disappointed To Learn Boos Don’t Count As Runs

The Astros won 7-1.

Tags: Sports, Trump Derangement Syndrome