Supreme Court Will Hear Louisiana Abortion Law That Requires Clinics to Have Hospital Admitting Privileges

Abortion activists want abortion viewed as a medical procedure, which it is, but provide it with special exceptions.

The case June Medical Services v. Gee proves this point, which challenges a Louisiana law that requires abortion centers to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital.

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case months after the justices “blocked enforcement of the law.”

This case mirrors the 2016 Supreme Court case Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt. That case challenged a Texas law requiring admitting privileges, which inspired Louisiana to pass its own law.

The justices ruled the law placed an “undue burden” on those who sought abortions.

The Supreme Court has a different makeup now from 2016. While the justices stopped enforcement of the law in February it also provided a sign they would pick up the case again.

Abortion activists do not like Louisiana law because it will cause two of the three centers in the state to close.

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote in his dissent that plaintiffs “could bring a challenge to the law if the doctors were unable to obtain admitting privileges” if they did not obtain the “admitting privileges during a 45-day regulatory transition period.”

Pro-life organizations applauded the Supreme Court’s ruling to hear the case.

“Abortion activists are more than willing to lower the bar on women’s health in order to expand abortion, but stricter clinic regulations are in the best interest of women,” said March for Life President Jeanne Mancini. “Just recently we were reminded of the need for more oversight when it comes to abortion, not less, with the appalling case of the abortionist Ulrich Klopfer who collected thousands of aborted babies’ bodies in his home. We applaud the Louisiana bill’s sponsor Katrina Jackson as well as its other supporters for taking concrete steps to protect women in that state.”

Here is my question. Birthing centers require admitting privileges. Some plastic surgeon centers have the requirement along with surgery centers.

Why should abortion centers have special exceptions?

As a former pro-abortion person I can tell you why. Keeping abortion as secret as possible hides the horror of the procedure that leads to the death of an unborn human being.

A woman’s access to the procedure takes precedence over their health. Even in the cleanest and most up to date clinics, something could go wrong.

Abortion activists have more concern for access and the ability to perform abortions more than women’s health. Their opposition to take steps to make sure a woman’s life is not in danger (ironically, that’s one of their defenses to keep abortion legal) proves it’s all about the procedure more than anything else.

Tags: Abortion, Louisiana, US Supreme Court