Sen. Ben Sasse on Beto’s Threat to Strip Churches of Tax Exemption: “some nitwit” trying to “satisfy his fringey base”
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Sen. Ben Sasse on Beto’s Threat to Strip Churches of Tax Exemption: “some nitwit” trying to “satisfy his fringey base”

Sen. Ben Sasse on Beto’s Threat to Strip Churches of Tax Exemption: “some nitwit” trying to “satisfy his fringey base”

“We are not Chinese communists” or “Russian oligarchs” or “Venezuelan strongmen”

During a presidential debate earlier this month, former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke said if elected, he’d strip tax exemptions from churches who do not support same-sex marriage.

“There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone or any institution, any organization in America, that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us,” he said.

Which prompted Senator Sasse to introduce a resolution condemning such a move and reaffirming the body’s commitment to the first amendment.

During his almost ten-minute-long floor speech, Sen. Sasse said:

“I don’t care what some nitwit said on CNN last week to satisfy his fringey base and try to get a sound bite in a presidential debate, the American people ought to know that this body stands for the historical First Amendment — that’s what we all took an oath to uphold and to defend, and that’s what we ought to vote to affirm again.”


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Throughout the course of Sasse’s ten-minute speech he slammed O’Rourke’s comments as “profoundly un-American” and “a bold-faced threat against Muslims and Jews and Christians” made by a “Texas politician pandering for a sound bite.”


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Finally he said something worth listening to.

“We are not Chinese communists” or “Russian oligarchs” or “Venezuelan strongmen”

No, they are “progressive” Democrats.

Except I didn’t here beta call out muslims by name. I wonder why… no, I know why.

I don’t have much use for him, but every once in a while he says something good. Credit where credit is due and all that.

If we were to completely change to a fairer limited flat tax system we wouldn’t need to play the wealthy’s tax write offs game. Reality is we should be demanding better. And instead we get bob the fake Mexican.
bob the fake Mexican should GF Himself.

What will #NeverTrump Sasse do when the Democrat-run House impeaches President Trump? Sasse’s comment about not being Chinese communists or Venezuela strongmen will ring very hollow when he votes to remove Trump (as I predict he will).

Beto is not a nitwit, he is a castrato.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | October 26, 2019 at 1:34 pm

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