Photo Shows Joe and Hunter Biden Golfing With Ukraine Gas Company Execs in 2014

A photo revealed on Monday’s Tucker Carlson tonight seems to contradict what former Vice President Biden told reporters last month — that he’d never discussed his son Hunter’s foreign business deals with him.

The photo taken in 2014 shows “former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter golfing in the Hamptons with Devon Archer, who served on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings with Hunter,” reports Fox News.

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“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden said, pointing the finger at President Trump. “I know Trump deserves to be investigated. He is violating every basic norm of a president. You should be asking him why is he on the phone with a foreign leader, trying to intimidate a foreign leader. You should be looking at Trump.”Hunter Biden told The New Yorker previously that he and his father had spoken “just once” about Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine.A source close to Archer told Fox News the photo was taken in August 2014. Contemporaneous news reports indicate the vice president was in the Hamptons at the time.Hunter Biden and Archer joined the Burisma Holdings board in April 2014.Earlier this month, Trump suggested that despite his claims, Joe Biden seemingly discussed Ukraine matters with his son. The White House has sought to point to possible corruption by the Bidens, amid the House Democrats’ formal impeachment inquiry against the president.“And now, he made a lie when he said he never spoke to his son,” Trump said. “Of course you spoke to your son!”

Last year Biden bragged about having Viktor Shokin, the Ukranian prosecutor investigating Burisma, fired. In 2016, the Vice President threatened withholding of a $1 billion loan from the US if Shokin wasn’t canned.

Tags: Joe Biden, Trump Ukraine, Ukraine