Petition Demands “Mandatory Hate-Bias Trainings” at Towson University

Progressivism. Ideas so popular that they always have to be made mandatory.

Campus Reform reports:

Petition to Towson University: Introduce ‘mandatory hate-bias training’Activists have started pressuring Towson University officials into forcing all current and future students to take “mandatory hate-bias trainings.”The demand is part of a petition to the Maryland school created after a September off-campus assault involving Towson University students, which Baltimore County determined to be racially motivated, according to a police report obtained by Campus Reform. Police arrested two commuter students and a press release from Towson said that the report of the assault contained anti-LGBTQ and racist speech.“The hate-bias training should be implemented by the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity and include both diversity education and harm reduction to create a broader understanding of what is encompassed in hate-bias training,” the petition states, calling for the training to be implemented starting in the 2019-2020 year.This isn’t the first push for a mandatory hate-bias program in Maryland.In 2018, Maryland Democrat state Rep. Angela Angel (D) tried to push legislation that would require all Maryland public colleges to force students to take a hate-bias test, suggesting that funding could be withheld from those that did not, according to The Diamondback.

Tags: College Insurrection, Maryland