Ohio University Suspends All Fraternities Following Allegations of Hazing
“Ohio University will not put at risk the health and safety of our students”

It’s no secret that the left is trying to end Greek life on college campuses, so this seems a little suspect.
NBC News reports:
Ohio University suspends all fraternities over hazing allegations
Ohio University on Thursday announced it was suspending all its fraternities following allegations of widespread hazing.
Suspension of the 15 fraternities at the university was immediate and indefinite. It followed allegations within the past week of hazing at seven of the fraternities, as well as the expulsion in May of a fraternity following the alleged hazing of a freshman who died last year.
“These troubling allegations, which will be thoroughly investigated, indicate a potentially escalating systemic culture” within fraternity organizations, said Jenny Hall-Jones, the university’s dean of students.
“Ohio University will not put at risk the health and safety of our students,” she said.
In May, the university expelled Sigma Pi fraternity for hazing, alcohol and drug use, and other student conduct code violations after the alleged hazing of 18-year-old Collin Wiant, who died in November.
A lawsuit by Wiant’s family alleges he died of asphyxiation after ingesting nitrous oxide provided to and forced on him by fraternity members.
Sigma Pi denied those allegations and said Wiant wasn’t a pledge when he died. The fraternity said Wiant, from the Columbus suburb of Dublin, was removed from the pledging process weeks earlier because of a sexual-assault allegation.

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I think that university involvement with sororities and fraternities should just end.
If an organization can stand self-supporting and independent fine. The current system just seems fucked up to me.
All national Greek organizations require that Universities hold the Chapter Charters. Removing the University removes the Chapter, which is the ultimate goal. The problem isn’t the Chapters or the social fraternity system per se, it is the irresponsible teenagers individually who make up the Chapter membership.
Did they suspend any Sororoties?
And well, forget Due process, they are bastions of the Patriarchy! Didn’t Rolling stone have a big Frat rape article?
How are the Omegas going to hold paddle parties?