Germany to Boost Border Checks Amid Surge in Illegal Immigration
Merkel’s interior minister: “Security begins at the borders.”

Germany will ramp up border checks to stop illegal immigrants, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced. The move comes after the country’s right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) made big gains in the last month’s regional elections.
Berlin “simply can’t get a grip” on illegal immigration, German newspaper Bild claimed. “The problem has aggravated as more and more Syrian refugees cross over from Turkey into the EU,” the newspaper reported on Sunday, “The situation in cramped refugees camps in Greece is dramatic. German government fears that many of the migrants could try to get to Germany.”
Germany’s state broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported the latest measures to curb illegal immigration:
Germany’s federal police are set to increase the number of random border checks, said Interior Minister Horst Seehofer late Sunday.
The move is designed to noticeably strengthen police presence at the borders and discourage “secondary migration,” the Interior Ministry wrote on Twitter. Secondary migration is when migrants from non-EU countries move illegally between EU member states.
“Security begins at the borders,” said the Christian Social Union politician in a comment to the German tabloid Bild am Sonntag.
Earlier this week, Seehofer extended the presence of controls at the border between Austria and Germany until spring 2020. An Interior Ministry spokesman said police have continued to identify a large number of people illegally crossing the borders into the country.
While German Chancellor Angela Merkel takes halfhearted measures to ‘discourage’ illegal immigration, the current migrant surge is a problem of her own making. Earlier this month, she agreed to accept 25 percent of all illegal migrants arriving on the Italian coast. The AfD criticized the government for offering incentives to illegal immigrants by granting them blanket asylum. Needless to say, these warnings have largely gone unreported by the German media.
Four years ago, the EU-Turkey migrant deal negotiated by Berlin settled hundreds of thousands of migrants in Europe from Turkish migrant camps each year.
The latest step to secure Germany’s borders is apparently part of a political maneuver by Merkel’s government to prevent the right-wing rival from making further gains. “While Germany’s establishment parties are likely to retain control of both states, the AfD’s surge illustrates the difficulty centrist parties face in combating the rise of populism in Europe’s largest country,” Politico reported in the wake the last month’s regional elections. “Berlin is searching for a strategy to deal with the new reality.”
While the government in Berlin talks tough on illegal immigration, the border police are unprepared to follow through with the orders. The chairman of the German Police Federation (GdP), Jörg Radek, admitted that “preconditions to spread the police across Germany’s borders were’t there at present.” The police lack basic gear to face the coming winter or vehicles to patrol the border — let alone helicopters, the police union chief told German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel. “We don’t even have winter boots to start with,” Radek complained.
Germany is not the only country bursting at the seems when it comes to illegal immigration.
Greece has witnessed a huge rise in the number of illegal immigrants landing on its shores via Turkey, according to the EU border agency FRONTEX. The Greek “islands right now are suffering from strangulation due to overcrowding at the facilities, and there is a need for more effective border guarding, and concern over possible increased flows in the coming period,” the government in Athens admitted in August.
Since Matteo Salvini’s right-wing Liga party left the government, Italy, has also seen a similar rise in illegal immigrants coming through the Mediterranean route.
Germany’s AfD party celebrates gains in east German election
[Cover image via YouTube]

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Too little, too late.
If you think they’re screwed where does that leave America? Their problems aren’t even a rounding error when compared to America’s.
There is already a procedure/tool for re-instatement of illegal aliens in their home lands. It was used extensively after WWII.
Is YouTube censoring that video clip?
Found it on the German MSM AdP’s YouTube home page.
If they can’t do something as simple as controlling the border, what hope is there that they can control the utter chaos that will ensue? Having abandoned their own citizens in the face of a hostile invasion, who exactly will be running things? If the white tribe hasn’t figured out is heading their way, there is no hope. I’m betting on German traitors like Merkel escaping Germany for safety elsewhere. I wonder if George Soros bought an island (no borders to defend) big enough.
“White tribe”?!
Deviating from your usual detailed but useless pedantry? Choose a side already. It will clear things up for you and may even make you interesting.
don’t believe thats possible. w/o circular arguments he has no purpose.
Oh, dear me, heaven forbid that white people have a country of their own. We can’t have that now, can we?!?
Step 1 – stop giving things to migrants. No aid, no benefits.
Step 2 – prosecute and punish criminal migrants.
Step 3 – start deporting migrants. If they have destroyed their paperwork, set them loose on a raft at 0, 0 in the Gulf of Guinea and call it a null location.
Before you know it, the problem will go away as you are no longer a magnet for migrants.
We shoudl be doing the same thing. But, Democrats need the voters, and the Republicans need the cheap labor.
Step 1. Stop referring to invading illegal aliens as migrants.
Step 2. Recognize they are all criminals.
Step 3. Make illegal invasion a federal felony.
A little late.
Something about barn doors and stolen horses, perhaps?
Europe’s march toward suicide continues.
I’m so confused. I didn’t think Germany considered any immigration illegal. You mean they actually have laws and just haven’t been enforcing them?
Who do these people think they are? Democrats?
They screen out potential immigrants with Western values and traditions, in order to make room for the muslims and other primitives.
Who could have seen that coming…
Africans and Middle Easterners have figured out that white Europeans are never coming back after abandoning the ideas of empire and colonies. So, Africans and ME are coming to them. For them, Europe is the “white paradise”.
Better late than never. Though with the malign hand of the EU hovering above, I doubt this will work.
Sadly, I doubt Germany has the moral, political or material (military) strength to resist the invasion of illegal immigrants.
Emigration reform to mitigate the progress of immigration reform and collateral damage from social justice adventures at both ends of the bridge and throughout.
Four years too late, Frauline. Germany is kapoot.
They just need to rediscover their former resolve and efficiency. Station men at the borders and shoot the invaders. Won’t take long or too many casualties to change the narrative.
Dear Angela,
The horse has already left. It’s the thought that counts though.
“Security begins at the borders”
That’s a bit late, considering the millions of conquerors they’ve already let in. I can’t help but wonder how much Merkel is being paid to let Europe be conquered by Islam.
This is nothing more than an attempt by the German government to make it appear to an increasingly dissatisfied public that they’re “doing something” to control immigration, after most of the real damage has been done. They aren’t going to do anything of substance to stop immigration (legal, or illegal), and the problem is already long past the point where nothing but mass deportation of those already in Germany could be of much use.
Wait! What?! Haven’t the germans been pretty critical of border racism over here?