Flashback: Joe Biden, Other Democrats Described Clinton Impeachment as a “Lynching”

On Tuesday, Democrats and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) erupted in outrage after President Trump asserted in an early morning tweet that the impeachment inquiry process he was being subjected to was “a lynching”:

The pile on commenced shortly thereafter. Here’s how the “journalists” at Politico framed Trump’s comments:

But the invocation of “lynching” to characterize a process explicitly sanctioned by the Constitution marked a new, racially insensitive show of malice by the president toward lawmakers seeking to remove him from office.

NBC News was quick to point out how many Democratic presidential candidates and black lawmakers were offended by Trump’s tweet.

CNN, which stays in full “Get Trump” mode 24-7, devoted an entire piece to quoting Republicans in the House and Senate who took issue with what Trump said.

The American people were to know and understand that in no uncertain terms, Trump had stooped to levels no one else ever would by referring to an inquiry that has virtually shut out the Republican minority and Trump’s legal team from the process as a mob-style “lynching.”

Unfortunately for Democrats and their enablers in the press, the Internet is forever and the C-SPAN archives go back decades.

Republicans dug into the wayback machine and found numerous referrals by Democrats to the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton as a “lynching.”

We’ll start with Joe Biden, who was the most high-profile Democrat to condemn what Trump said:

Oddly enough, then-Senator Biden didn’t hold that view when he discussed Clinton’s impeachment with Wolf Blitzer on CNN in 1998:

“Even if the president should be impeached, history is going to question whether or not this was just a partisan lynching or whether or not it was something that in fact met the standard, the very high bar, that was set by the founders as to what constituted an impeachable offense,” Biden said in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.


After being caught with his foot in his mouth, Biden tweeted out an apology that included a lot of double-speak about how when he said it he meant it differently even though it “wasn’t the right word to use”, of course:

As the USA Today also pointed out, Biden was far from the only one:

Biden was not the only Democrat to refer to Clinton’s impeachment as a “lynching.” A Washington Post report found at least five House Democrats used that word or “lynch mob” to refer to the process against Clinton. One of them, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., chairs the House Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over impeachment.

The reason the Washington Post and other Democrat-friendly news outlets like CNN even published such reports is because Republicans did the media’s jobs and found the old quotes and videos, a few of which showed that some of the same lawmakers who went off yesterday on Trump used the word “lynching” to describe Clinton’s impeachment.

Let’s take a look:

Last but certainly not least, let’s pause for a moment and reflect on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ripping Trump yesterday, and lecturing everyone on learning the history behind the word “lynching” just months after she repeatedly and unapologetically referred to border detention centers as “concentration camps.”

As usual, Democrats and the MSM have two sets of standards – the ones they hold Republicans to, and the far more lax standards they hold themselves to (also known as double standards).

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Bill Clinton, Democrats, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Trump Impeachment