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Congress Considers Measure Addressing “Climate Refugee Crisis”

Congress Considers Measure Addressing “Climate Refugee Crisis”

Rep. Nydia Velázquez offers bill that prioritizes foreigners over her constituents.

The “Extinction Rebellion” death cult is scary, but what may be even more terrifying is a proposal Congress is considering.

Our U.S. House of Representatives is reviewing a new bill to protect “climate refugees.”

The Climate Displaced Persons Act, written by Rep. Nydia Velázquez (D-N.Y.), would create a new federal program specifically for refugees displaced by climate change. If enacted into law, the U.S. would take in at least 50,000 climate refugees each year, beginning in 2020.

What exactly is a “climate refugee?”

The Institute for Economics and Peace, an Australian think tank, recently estimated that in 2017 alone, 18 million people — 61.5 percent of global displacements — were forced to move due to natural disasters. (Those natural disasters are not universally caused by climate change, but global warming is predicted to cause more frequent and intense disasters.) And while projections vary, sources agree that those numbers are going to get a whole lot higher. That same report noted that nearly 1 billion people currently live in areas of “very high” or “high” climate exposure, which could result in millions of people displaced by climate change in the future. A 2018 World Bank report estimated that by 2050, there would be 143 million climate change-driven migrants from the regions of Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and southeast Asia alone.

But, if we’re talking about legally designated “climate refugees,” there’s a much different number being thrown around: zero.

The designation of refugee has very specific meaning under international agreements.

A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.

And, because both the Border Wall and the Mexican troops have stopped the caravan, Velázquez is trying to create a work-around to bring in as many people as the Democrats need. After all, “climate change” can mean anything the activists wish it to mean.

Velázquez, the first Puerto Rican woman to serve in Congress, chairs the House Committee on Small Business.

Velázquez is a climate alarmist true believer, who was recognized by National Latino Coalition on Climate Change (NLCCC) for its work as “Latinos Leading in the Green Economy and Partnering for the Future.” Her bill would make it possible for any person claiming to be fleeing from a “climate emergency” obtain all the assistance given to real refugees.

An alien who qualifies for 24 climate-displaced person status under this section 25 shall be eligible for resettlement assistance, entitlement programs, and other benefits available to refugees admitted under section 207.

Of course, the spouse and kids would get those benefits as well!

To understand better the priorities of the Congresswoman, here is a video of Velázquez blasting HUD Secretary Ben Carson over President Trump’s Puerto Rico tweets.

Truly, it is terrifying to realize that members of Congress prioritize the needs and wants of foreigners more than the concerns and security of their constituents. I sure hope the GOP has plans to make NY07 competitive in 2020, as I find it hard to believe residents of Queens and Brooklyn would welcome a flood of climate refugees.


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UnCivilServant | October 31, 2019 at 11:02 am

So we’re going to take in a load of Canukistanis when the cooling trend starts during the next stage of the solar cycle?

Only if they are an ethnic minority, preferably a gay transgender lesbian.

This is more open-borders madness, wearing a new mask.

These people are insane with their lust for power.

    Observer in reply to Paul. | October 31, 2019 at 5:01 pm

    And their desire to piss away our money:

    “An alien who qualifies for 24 climate-displaced person status under this section 25 shall be eligible for resettlement assistance, entitlement programs, and other benefits available to refugees admitted under section 207.

    Of course, the spouse and kids would get those benefits as well!”

    What is it that these idiots don’t get about $22 trillion in debt, and hundreds of trillions more in unfunded liabilities?

    We can’t afford to continue inviting the world to come here and live off us! Enough of this crap!

but global warming is predicted

Uh-huh. Send me a memo when it actually happens.

JUDGE: The court will now hear the case of Real American Citizens For Nixing Puerto Rico Statehood. Call your first witness.

ATTORNEY FOR RACFNPRS: Call Rep. Nydia Velázquez.

“would create a new federal program…”

Hell, no.
Go home, STFU, and keep your greedy, lying, couldn’t-manage-flatulence in a bathroom’ Leftist schemes out of my wallet NO!

I despise these people. I really do.

For now, we have Trump to veto these Leftist lunacies (if it makes it past cocaine Mitch & company), but after 2024; then what?

These greedy, lying, couldn’t-manage-flatulence in a bathroom’ Leftist schemers are minted by the millions in gub’mint schools, and there’s no end in sight.

Dismantling the gub’mint school cabal should be paramount.

The Senate better do its job and kill this dead.

A huge difference between a climate change refugee of which there are NONE and a hand out to overthrow the US.

By any means necessary. They mean it. That part I get.

That part I do not understand is the ignorant and/or delusional voter behind these Democrats.

The democrats need more voters, This idiot is just trying to help the democrook party. They hate American deplorables.

Send them all to Antarctica or the moon. Keep them out of this country.

Paul In Sweden | October 31, 2019 at 12:51 pm

The Climate Refugees can get in line behind the Former Slaves waiting for reparations.

Next timeworn have control of the House and Senate the first thing to do is fix our immigration law.

1) Illegal immigration is a felon punished by 3 years in federal prison for the fist offense. 9 years for a second offense, and 27 years on a third offense. We can suspend sentences for a first offense if they plead guilt and accept deportation. They will go directly to prison if the return in the future.

For now we can make deportation orders prevent illegals from ever returning and put them in prison for 3 years if they violate the court order.

2) Non-citizens are denied all government benefits.

3) Everyone voting will have their fingerprint attached to their ballot. Fingerprints on ballots will be checked for citizenship when voting and those voting illegally will be punished by 10 years in federal prison. Everyone will have their fingerprints taken upon birth.

    Milhouse in reply to ConradCA. | October 31, 2019 at 3:11 pm

    Everyone voting will have their fingerprint attached to their ballot. Fingerprints on ballots will be checked for citizenship when voting and those voting illegally will be punished by 10 years in federal prison. Everyone will have their fingerprints taken upon birth.

    Ugh. No. Not only does this violate ballot secrecy, but this way lies totalitarianism.

    However, all voters should be required to re-register, and prove eligibility. Those who unfortunately cannot provide evidence of eligibility will just not be able to vote. Voting is not a constitutional right (yes, you read that correctly), so it’s OK to deprive someone of it without having to prove them ineligible. We can be somewhat lenient with the evidence required, and at the end of the day if a negligible number of ineligible people sneak through it won’t be a disaster, but we need some assurance that it is only a negligible number. Right now we have no idea. We can’t prove it’s a significant number, but our opponents can’t prove it isn’t, and the onus should be on them, not us.

      Paul In Sweden in reply to Milhouse. | October 31, 2019 at 7:34 pm

      No, ballot secrecy can be maintained. There is no need to place fingerprint on the ballot itself. The ballot envelope can be fingerprinted, or a paper & electronic fingerprint register can be marked as your secret ballot is stuffed in the box in front of you and proctors. As long as the one to one fingerprint to ballot ratio is maintained at each station integrity should be OK. Democrats will of course have to be frisked for extra fingers in their pockets.

      Paul In Sweden in reply to Milhouse. | October 31, 2019 at 7:41 pm

      No Evidence of Wide Spread Voter Fraud! Is this because Democrats refused to cooperate with the Voter Fraud Investigations? I am willing to make that conclusion.

      –15 states refuse to hand over voter data to Trump Election Commission – Business Insider

        No Evidence of Wide Spread Voter Fraud! Is this because Democrats refused to cooperate with the Voter Fraud Investigations?

        In part. Also in part because such fraud is inherently difficult to detect — though it’s much harder when you refuse to look for it. The simple truth is that we have no idea, not even the idea of an idea, how common or rare various kinds of fraud are. The information is just not available.

        But when you consider how easy it is to commit fraud, it just stands to reason that there must be significant amounts of it. When would-be frauds know that the chance of getting caught is slim to none, how could they not do it? If we are to believe the Democrat line that it doesn’t happen much, what stops them?

        If you were to show me a town where nobody locks their doors and the police refuse on principle to investigate burglary calls, and yet you tell me that the burglary rate is negligible, how could I possibly believe you? I might not have any evidence that burglary is happening, but it would just not be reasonable for it not to rampant. A certain percentage of people are dishonest, and if they can steal they will. That is a fact of nature. So I could not accept a claim that in such a town it doesn’t happen. The lack of burglary reports is explained by the fact that everyone knows there’s no point in filing one, and the lack of convictions is explained by the fact that there are no investigations. The same applies to voting. With fraud as easy as it is, it must be rampant.

    walls in reply to ConradCA. | October 31, 2019 at 3:40 pm

    Prisons are expensive. Executions are not. I’m pushing for a $500 bounty on all illegals with no bag limit.

      CaptTee in reply to walls. | November 1, 2019 at 11:28 am

      It would be even cheaper to give all deportees a suspended death sentence to be executed if they return uninvited.

      If a citizen has to perform this service I would allow the reimbursement cost of only the first bullet. This would encourage conservation of brass, lead and copper plating.

So, are we to deduce from this that the left has decided that we can accept all of these “refugees” because this country is NOT affected by “climate change”?

Just another attempt to Latinize the USA. Because Latin countries are so successful.

I sure hope the GOP has plans to make NY07 competitive in 2020, as I find it hard to believe residents of Queens and Brooklyn would welcome a flood of climate refugees.

There is no possible way to make that district competitive. Even those voters who are not thrilled with the prospect of “a flood of climate refugees” (and they aren’t as many as you’d think), they’d still prefer that over voting for a Republican. The only possible competition is in the Dem primary, and she’s pretty much entrenched there. Even last time around when a bunch of Dems were challenged, she wasn’t.

Her district is also heavily gerrymandered. It passes about two blocks from my home, as it snakes its way through three boroughs to connect pockets of her supporters while excluding areas where she might be weaker.

    txvet2 in reply to Milhouse. | October 31, 2019 at 6:26 pm

    In other words, it’s the same kind of district that a judge declared illegal in Texas.

      Milhouse in reply to txvet2. | October 31, 2019 at 8:06 pm

      Details? I have not heard of such a decision. In Texas, as far as I know, the challenges to gerrymandering have been on the basis that the boundaries dilute minority voting clout, and thus violate the Voting Rights Act, or some such thing. That would not apply here, where the purpose of the gerrymander is simply to protect the incumbent, a goal that the courts have consistently said is lawful.

NFW. Any questions?

Trump should veto any bill put forth by any Democrat. They are not a legislative branch any longer, they are seditionists, they are not working in the interests of this country, so don’t even let it come up for a vote in the Senate.
The House majority is the enemy of the people and this country, treat everything they propose as such.

The handlers of these idiots are seeking to flood our nation with dependent voters, to enslave the rest of us.

The idiots will be paid off (if not being paid off now) with government position.

Q: What would be a quick way to address the “climate refugee crisis”?

A: Deport Rep. Nydia Velazquez.

The party of science (IOW, P.O.S., the party that only allows the “science” they agree with to be viewed as significant) is refusing to accept all those studies that show significant weather events not increasing over the years and are, in fact, decreasing.
The POS refuses to accept the most basic tenet of science, skepticism. Skepticism is important in order to root out flawed logic, unconscious prejudice in data interpretation, etc., in order to ensure real logic and sound experiments are used to determine what the data are sound and what they truly mean. Instead, they want to jail, remove from their positions, defund, etc., anyone who dares disagree for they are deniers.
The POS refuses to entertain the most fundamental questions that have yet to be seriously asked. These questions include a) What is the correct temperature for the Earth, b) What is the correct concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, c) What is the cost of doing nothing as opposed to the cost of trying to “fix” the atmosphere, etc. Without seriously addressing these questions we not only do not know what our best course of action should be, but we won’t even know if or when we are successful for the finish line has not been defined.
Never before has there been such a “crisis” before the country where the goals and costs have yet to be determined. But, then again, the POS don’t want solutions, rather they want a never ending crisis in order to justify their wealth redistribution, wokeness, and other socialist schemes.

A new way for dems to get a money grab


You are clearly a “proud citizen” of Puerto Rico. Thus, resign you are in violation of your oath of office and your conscience; your presence in Congress is a fraud.

Next, as the majority of Puerto Rican’s have at least twice declared that they do not want to be a “state” and join the USA, redirect your passions to “independence for Puerto Rico”. You can take all of your New York brethren and “wise latinas” with you.

Clearly, once independent with all those repatriated you can address the corruption and bankruptcy that is a reflection and consequence of your proud culture.

Wishing you much continued success.
Lower East Side Office
500 Pearl Street
Suite 973
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 619-2606

I was told 30 years ago this congressional district would be at the bottom of the Atlantic by now. I took that as a promise.