Left Wing Students at Georgetown Repeatedly Disrupt College Republicans’ Climate Change Event

The College Republicans at Georgetown University held an event last week. Their aim was to refute the climate change hysteria pushed by Democrats. Progressive students wouldn’t allow the talk to go on and tried to make it all about them.

Speakers were interrupted by outbursts and chants for “climate justice” now.

Dalton Nunamaker reports at the College Fix:

Rowdy student protest shuts down campus forum debunking climate alarmism (VIDEO)An effort Thursday night by the Georgetown University College Republicans to host climate scholars to rebut 2020 Democratic presidential candidates’ climate alarmism descended into chaos after dozens of student protesters crashed the event and continually disrupted it to the point that campus police shut down the forum and evacuated the room.Student hosts and the climate scientists and policy experts were eventually let back into the room to complete their discussion, but the first 20 minutes of the panel was so frequently interrupted it culminated in its temporary halt as campus officers worked to gain control of the situation.At the start of “Climate Forum: A Rebuttal,” protestors packed the room and, beginning with the introduction of the first speaker, shouted talking points, various obscenities, and hostile chants.Despite campus free speech policies announced clearly by the hosts at the start of the event, the harassment continued. Amid the frequent disruptions, a protester dressed as a clown intermittently honked a horn.

Campus police ultimately had to be called to intervene. Have you noticed that you never hear of College Republicans interrupting events for other groups in this way?

Annemarie Cuccia and Sarah Watson of the Georgetown Voice have more details:

Protests Disrupt Rebuttal To Climate Change ForumThe Georgetown University College Republicans (GUCR) hosted a rebuttal to the Democratic presidential candidates’ Climate Change Forum, held at the university, on Thursday. The GUCR event highlighted several presenters, including Marc Morano, a climate change skeptic who published a book called “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.” During the event, a group of students staged a sit in calling for climate justice…After Morano, the first speaker, was introduced, protester Olivia Torbert (SFS ’20) immediately stood up and offered an alternate introduction, emphasizing Morano’s association with the fossil fuel industry and his past disparaging remarks about climate scientists.The protestors played music and alarms, held up signs in the windows from outside, and chanted throughout the event. One of these protestors, sporting a clown costume, interrupted Morano’s presentation by blowing an air horn…As tensions rose, GUPD arrived at the event. Two officers came inside and asked those who had been disrupting the event, including Ferguson and the protester dressed as a clown, to step outside. They refused to leave the room, prompting the GUPD officer to say he would only ask so many times. When asked to present their GoCards, the students did not comply.

This video from the College Fix is about 20 minutes long and documents all of the silliness:

If you want to see a shorter version of what happened, watch this video from Campus Reform:

It’s not enough for the left to hold their own events on issues like climate change. They think they’re entitled to shut down events which present an alternative view.

They repeatedly prove that control is their primary interest, not the environment.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Climate Change, College Insurrection, Republicans