Book Review: Open Borders, Inc., by Michelle Malkin

One of my biggest breaks as a newbie blogger came when conservative icon and patriot Michelle Malkin linked to my post on a downloadable sign to use when progressive activists infiltrated our Tea Party events in 2009.

Ten years later, Malkin is still as active, engaged, and engaging as ever in her pursuit of conservatism and American ideals. She has recently written Open Borders, Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?.

The book connects the dots, in terms of following the money from the U.S. taxpayer to American citizens to organizations that are working to undermine this nation.

The book covers a wide range of players who are attempting to maintain the door-wide-open immigration policies that have gone on for the past few decades. The first portion of the book covers foreign players (the Mexican drug and human trafficking cartels, George Soros and his numerous organizations, the Catholic Church, and the refugee resettlement voluntary agencies). The next section details the domestic players (e.g., Abolish ICE, Hollywood, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the liberal media).

One of the best aspects of this book is its devotion to detail.

Malkin’s Open Borders, Inc. goes way beyond punditry, providing references and links to resources she used in her quest to fully describe the funding, motivation, and activities for all the organizations fighting any form of border security.

She has ten separate appendices that record her research and which effectively allow her to keep the main chapters highly readable while permitting readers to assess the foundational information and focus on the appendices that may be of most interest to them.

As a Catholic, perhaps the chapter that hit me the hardest was the one on the Church. Malkin offers several reasons for the Catholic Church’s interest in open borders.

One is the number of members and their ability to donate:

So, why is the fabulously wealthy Vatican so hell-bent on foisting millions of illegal aliens, primarily from Hispanic Catholic countries, on us? One answer: in North America, the Catholic Church is losing members at a faster rate than any other denomination, which means less money and less political influence for the Church. Another factor is that illegal alien Catholics in the U.S. earn higher wages than they would at home. Their donations in American collection baskets—and their remittances to family members—mean more money for the Church.

Another is all the related VOLAGs (Voluntary Agencies) associated with the Church and that get millions in taxpayer money.

The USCCB [United States Conference of Catholic Bishops] was reimbursed $11,415,905 and $11,504,703 for direct administrative costs and program services provided for resettlement activities for the full years at the end of 2017 and 2016. Investigative blogger and journalist Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch determined that the charity had soaked up more than $534 million of taxpayer dollars for refugee resettlement programs between 2008 and 2017. Bear in mind that this figure does not include the public costs of subsidized housing, education, health care, criminal justice and the courts, food stamps, cash, and other welfare aid.

Open Borders, Inc. is a must-read for anyone who is following the battle to secure the border. Not only did it remind me of news items I had forgotten, but I learned about organizations, activities, and individuals that were shocking and disturbing (which, for some reason, our elite media won’t share).

Appendix G – 60 OF THE WORLD’S FINEST REFUJIHADIS, on refugees who resettled into our communities then became involved in terrorist activities, is chilling.

Basaaly Saeed Moalin, a cab driver in San Diego, was a Somali refugee who conspired with Doreh to subsidize al Shabaab’s terrorist activists. Intercepted phone conversations revealed Moalin, who became a U.S. citizen after obtaining his green card, offered his house in Mogadishu to enable al Shabaab to hide weapons and aid its broader terrorist agenda. A top leader of the jihad group who had personally lobbied Moalin for money was killed in a missile strike in 2008.

I give the book 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it both for your own library and as a gift to anyone interested in border security and countering the social justice crowd.

For those who might like a more visual summary, here is Malkin on The Eric Metaxas Radio Show discussing her book.

Tags: Book Review, Border Crisis, ICE, Immigration, Michelle Malkin